V Shred

15 Leg Exercises At Home Using Your Bodyweight Only

leg exercises at home

If you’re looking for good leg exercises at home, here are 15 different variations to try out!

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Getting in a good leg workout at home can be difficult.

Seeing as how you’re on your legs all day already, how are you supposed to know which exercises will actually work your leg muscles the right way?

Well here’s 15 different leg exercises at home for you to choose from for your next workout!

Best Leg Exercises At Home


Sumo Squat

Close Stance Squat

Jump Squat

Pistol Squat

Single Leg RDL’s

Forward Lunges

Reverse Lunges

Jump Lunges

Side Lunges

Side Lunge Knee Raises

Curtsy Lunges

Glute Bridges

Single leg Glute Bridges

Glute Kickbacks


Pick 4 or 5 of these exercises and combine them for a killer leg workout! Let us know what you think down below and don’t forget to share!

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