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Let’s start off by making one thing clear …. CARBS ARE NOT THE ENEMY! For whatever reason, carbs have gotten a bad reputation. People think if you are on a diet and even look at a piece of bread, you will get fat. THIS IS NOT TRUE! OVEREATING any macro (carb/fat/protein) and being in an overall calorie surplus is what causes weight gain.

Taking carbs out of your diet is a recipe for disaster for most people. This is because any overly restrictive diet could lead to an unhealthy mental relationship with food and major cravings. This usually leads to binge eating or giving up on your “diet” altogether.

A low carb diet is just NOT SUSTAINABLE for most people. This means any weight you lose will come back and often with a few EXTRA pounds. Skipping out on carbs also makes most people feel pretty lousy, especially if they are exercising. This is because carbs are our body’s primary fuel source. Our body WANTS and NEEDS carbs. No carbs… no fuel!

Reducing your intake of healthy carbs can lead to several problems:

Now you may be shaking your head because you have seen results, or seen other people get results, eating little to no carbs. YOU ARE RIGHT…. Low-carb diets can help many people lose weight. But so can ANY diet that restricts calories. Not to mention, the rapid initial weight loss often seen on a low-carbohydrate diet is mostly water, not body fat.

The moral of this story is that it doesn’t make sense to overly restrict any macro-nutrient.
You should never see foods as “good or bad” because this creates a very unhealthy relationship with food.

Hopefully, you get it … CARBS ARE NOT BAD, but there may be better times to eat the majority of your daily carb allowance. Find out the best and the worst times to eat carbs in the video below!

Most people feel better when they have sufficient carbs in their diet. How many carbs you should eat depends on many things, such as …

Knowing the best times and the worst times to eat carbs is essential to any weight goal. But if you want to make sure those extra carbs are shuttled into your muscle cells and NOT your fat cells you’ll want to destroy every single workout no matter how tired you are. Imagine every workout having the capability to lift more weights for more reps and recover rapidly between sets and between workouts… Sound like a dream? It’s not.

It’s a delicious reality called PRE Workout and it has the power to wipe out fatigue before it ever hits your brain. This isn’t your grandpa’s sugar+caffeine “pre-workout” drink… we’re talking about optimizing neurotransmitters to crush mental and physical fatigue so you can kill it in the gym Every. Single. Time. Click Below To Weaponize Your Carb Intake And Hit The Gym Fresh, Strong, And Ready To Get Leaner Every Workout.

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