V Shred

At Home Abs: 7 minute high intensity follow along

If you are on a mission to get a flat stomach or shredded six pack, there are a million different exercises you can do that will crush your core and help you build ab muscles. 

But if you want to SEE the abs you build  – you have to get rid of the layer of fat covering them.

Are there ab exercises that can do that? Yes, and no!! 

Your standard ab exercises – things like sit ups, crunches, and leg raíses – are all great core strengtheners, but they are pretty slow and controlled movements. This means they don’t get your heart rate up very much. 

If you want to blast fat and tone your core simultaneously – you need to pick up the pace! Why? 

Below we will show you a 7 Minute High Intensity Ab Workout that you can do from home that smokes your core and spikes your heart rate at the same time. 

Using this ab training method optimizes the way you train your abs, resulting in a better chance of losing the belly fat that hides them!

7 Minute High Intensity Ab Workout

If you don’t know how to perform any of the exercises below or don’t want to mess with a timer, below is a follow-along style video of this workout for you to follow along with Vince!

Workout Structure
You will still go from exercise-to-exercise, performing each movement for ONE MINUTE, without a break.

After all 7 exercises are complete, you can be done. Or you can take a short breather and repeat the circuit one more time. 

For these exercises to actually work your abs, you have to make sure to keep your core engaged throughout the entire duration of every single movement; otherwise, it merely becomes a cardio workout! 

1 minute – Knee Strikes
1 minute – Bicycle Crunches
1 minute – Plank Hops
1 minute – Mountain Climbers
1 minute – Crunch Get Ups
1 minute – Plank Jacks
1 minute – Dolphin Hops

You will be a bit out of breath once you complete the entire circuit, and your arms may be shaking a little from all the planking, but do not forget this is an AB WORKOUT!

If you are truthfully keeping your core activated by drawing your belly button into your spine at all times … your abs will be ON FIRE! 

If you enjoy workouts like this one, which can be done from home with no equipment, build muscle while burning fat, and take 20 minutes or less to complete, then you are going to love our at-home program MOVE. 

MOVE is a 30-day at-home workout program where no two workouts are the same. 

And again, they can all be done from home with no equipment in 20 minutes or less!

Just like the video we made to go with this high intensity ab workout, all of the MOVE workouts are in real-time follow along style, so it’s like you have a personal trainer in your living room with you!

On top of 30 days of home personal training, the MOVE program also comes with a flex dieting system to help you get your nutrition in check.

We know you will love it! Learn more HERE!

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