V Shred

Best Chest Workout Fix for a Bigger Upper Chest

best chest workout

Building a nice looking chest can be difficult. But there is one way to train your upper pecs to create the best chest workout possible.

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If you want to build a bigger, more pronounced chest, upper chest training is a must. And while there are plenty of ways to do that, there are better ways than others.

Here is one quick and easy upper chest workout fix to help you get the best chest workout possible.

Best Chest Workout Fix

This chest workout fix is going to be all about the incline cable flyes. Why? Because they are a fantastic exercise for the upper chest.

But while they are a great exercise, they are also executed incorrectly all the time. If you have ever done incline chest flyes and you have felt it more in your shoulders.. you’re not alone.

Truth is, all upper chest exercises are going to work your shoulders a little bit.. primarily, your front deltoid. This and not accentuating proper form, leads to targeting your shoulders more than your actual pectoral muscle.

So one way that has been found to help chest activation can be utilized by doing the following:

  1. Start out with your arms in-line with your body and down to the side, not behind you. This will allow less immediate stress on your shoulders.
  2. Next, make sure your chest is puffed out and your scapula is retracted. (Act as if you are trying to pinch a pencil between your shoulder blades.)
  3. Then, rather than bringing your hands together at the top.. you will focus on bringing your elbows together at the bottom.
  4. From there, you will act as if you are trying to pinch a pencil between your shoulder blades AND your pecs. While doing this, you will raise your elbows up to shoulder level. (Make sure you continue to puff your chest out farther than your shoulders.)
  5. Then, keeping your pecs squeezed together and puffed out, you will lower your elbows.. then allow them to separate back to starting position. This is one rep.

Repeat this for as many reps and as many sets as your workout calls for. If done correctly, hopefully you will find your pectoral stimulation has increased and your shoulder stimulation has decreased.


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UP NEXT: Chest Flyes Workout | Fix These Issues

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