V Shred

V Shred’s Ultimate Full Leg Workout

Follow V Shred’s full leg workout routine to build bigger, stronger, and leaner lower body muscles.

5-Move Leg Day Regimen | Hardcore Full Leg Workout Routine


1. Barbell Squats

Barbell Squats | V Shred's Ultimate Full Leg Workout

Reps: 20

Sets: 3

Muscles Worked: Quads, glutes

Our full leg workout routine starts off with some barbell squats. They’re a strength-training movement that works the whole body with an emphasis on your quads and glutes.

The number one thing to remember when squatting is proper form. Remember: the quality of your reps will always outweigh the volume or quantity.

Tip: You don’t necessarily need to go ass to grass when squatting. Going further than a 90-degree bend will put an unnecessary strain on your back.

2. Leg Press

Reps: 20 to 30

Sets: 5

Muscles Worked: Outer quads, hamstrings

When doing leg presses, your goal should be to achieve a pump in your leg muscles. Do multiple reps of a weight you’re comfortable with to distribute sufficient blood and oxygen to the right muscle groups.

Tip: Similar to barbell squats, you don’t necessarily need to go all the way down. Stop when your knees bend at a 90-degree angle to avoid straining your lower back.

3. Walking Lunges

Reps: 10 each leg

Sets: 5

Muscles Worked: Quads

Walking lunges are a great addition to our killer leg workout routine. It’s a dynamic exercise that targets your quads every step of the way –literally.

4. Romanian Deadlifts

Reps: 15 to 20

Sets: 3

Muscles Worked: Hamstrings, glutes

Romanian deadlifts are great exercises to strengthen your hamstrings. You should feel the movement from the bottom of your legs to your glutes.

Tip: Form is very important. Keep your hips in and chest out. Get one of them wrong and you might pull a muscle and injure yourself.

5. Calves

Reps: 20 to 40

Sets:  3 to 5

Muscles Worked: Calves

The main trick to growing your calf muscles is to do enough high-quality reps. That’s why we want to perform three to five sets of 20 to 40 reps per leg day.

Tip: You can also do these leg workouts with dumbbells. Make sure that you feel the contraction in your calf muscles. In fact, it’s not about the weight, it’s more about muscle contraction.


When is the best time to workout? Watch the video below to find out:

These are the top five exercises to build bigger leg muscles. You can do the workouts we’ve recommended on their own or incorporate them into your current full leg workout routine.

Overall, what’s important is to follow a fitness plan that suits your lifestyle, body type, and goals. Combine strength training and healthy meal prepping to help bring your ideal body to life.

What do you think of our full leg workout routine? Share your thoughts with us in the comments down below!

Up Next: Ultimate Leg Day Workout | No Chicken Legs!

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