V Shred

Upper Body Workouts for Building Lean Muscle

upper body workouts

If you’re looking for the best upper body workouts, this one will keep you coming back for more!

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Truth is, there are tons of upper body workouts scattering the internet. So how are you supposed to know which ones will actually work?

Whether an upper body workout is effective or not will come down to three things:

  1. Does it hit all the different muscle groups in your upper body?
  2. Do you have proper form?
  3. Is it an easy workout to do?

Meaning, you need to hit your back, chest, shoulders, biceps and triceps all in one. You need to do all the exercises correctly. And you need to be able to do the workout without spending hours and hours in the gym.

That’s why this is better than the other upper body workouts that you’ve tried. It does all three and more!

This upper body workout will be three supersets (two exercises performed back to back), targeting all the different muscles groups. And it will only consist of resistance band exercises. Which makes it possible to do at home or even while traveling!

The Upper Body Workouts Layout

The Exercises:

Low Banded Row Superset & Banded Bicep Curls

Start off by sitting on the ground with your feet straight out in front of you. From there, you will hook the band in the arch of your foot. Then grab the band near your feet and sit back into a 90 degree position with your arms straight out in front of you. You will then focus on driving your elbows back in-line with your belly button and return back to starting position. Repeat for 10-12 reps and go straight into your curls.

After that, you will get up and stand on the band. Grabbing the handles you will place your feet width depending on how difficult you want the curl to be. Then, keeping your elbows in the same position throughout, curl the weight all the weight up, and return back down slowly. Repeat for 10-12 reps and then rest for a minute. Then do 3 more sets.

Banded Pushup Superset & Overhead Tricep Extensions

Here, you will wrap the band around your back and grab it wherever is best fit for your capabilities. After picking your arm width, you will get into push-up position with your hands pressing down on top of the bands. Keeping the band wrapped around your lower shoulders, go down and do a regular pushup. Keep your shoulders rolled back and focus on driving your elbows together to engage your chest. Repeat for 10-12 reps and go straight into tricep extensions.

For the tricep extensions, you will sit on the band and lift it up over your head. Grab it wherever is best fit for your capabilities and elevate your elbows. From there, keeping your elbows in the same spot, drive your hands up, squeezing your triceps. Once your arms are straight, lower your hands until you are just past a 90 degree angle and go into the next rep. Repeat for 10-12 reps and rest for a minute. Then do 3 more sets and move into the final superset.

Shoulder Press Superset & Lateral Raises

For this exercise, you will start standing with the band under your feet. You will want to keep your feet together so that the exercise is not too difficult to perform properly. From there, you want to slightly bring your elbows forward, then push the handles up and together at the top. Then lower your arms until your elbows are just past 90 degrees and go into your next rep. Repeat for 10-12 reps and go straight into lateral raises.

For this exercise you will continue to stand on the resistance band. But instead of pressing the handles up, we are going to start with our arms down by our side and press the handles outward. By focusing on pressing outward, rather than raising up, you will engage less of your trap muscle to help with better isolation of the delt. Raise until your hands are shoulders level and return your arms back down to your side. Repeat for 10-12 reps, do 3 more sets and you’re done with the workout!

Next time you’re looking for upper body workouts to try out, give this one a shot and let us know how you like it down below!

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