V Shred

A Comprehensive Guide To Weight Training For Beginners

Feature | A Comprehensive Guide To Weight Training For Beginners

Check out this step-by-step workout routine to start weight training for beginners.

Weight Training for Beginners | Complete Workout Guide

Step 1: Front Squat

Front squats are one of the best weight training exercises that target the quads and lower back. Compared to back squats which hit the glutes, front squats focus on the quads.

It’s definitely one of the best weight training workouts for leg muscle mass.

Step 2: Three-Point Dumbbell Row

Three-point dumbbell rows are weight training exercises that primarily hit your lats. At the same time, they also work your lower traps and rhomboids.

Also, if you want to do weight training at home, all you’ll need for this exercise is a pair of dumbbells.

Step 3: Push-Up

If you’re just beginning with weight training, push-ups might be one of the first exercises you’ll learn to do. They’re a great beginner weight training exercise you can do at home.

The standard push-up primarily targets the chest muscles. But it also works the shoulders, deltoids, and triceps.

Step 4: Single-Leg Bridge

If you’re weight training for weight loss, then this exercise is perfect for you. While the single-leg bridge primarily works your glutes, it’s also a great core-strengthening exercise.

The single-leg bridge is also a great workout to sculpt those washboard abs you’ve always wanted.

Step 5: Dumbbell Pullover

Dumbbell pullovers primarily work your pecs but your back muscles also assist all throughout the exercise. While performing this workout, remember to maintain a slow, controlled tempo.

Step 6: Plank

All the best weight training routines incorporate some kind of core exercise at the end. Doing planks is a great way to strengthen your abs, back, and core.

If you’re strength training for weight loss, you can add this exercise to your other routines. It may seem easy but it takes a lot of strength and endurance to hold a plank position.


Check out V Shred’s workout plan for bigger arms:

These are just the basics of weight training for beginners. Once you get the hang of weightlifting, you can further maximize the benefits of weight training by committing to a customized regimen.

Similarly, you can opt to challenge your body by taking on more difficult workout routines. What’s important is that you follow a fitness plan that suits your lifestyle and meets your needs.

Do you think this is a great way to start weight training for beginners? Share your thoughts with us in the comments section below!

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