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Core Exercises For That Sexy Six Pack

June 10th 2017

Unless you are one of those people born with crazy genetics, you will need to put in a little work for that six-pack you have been hoping for. Keep in mind, it won’t happen over night. The perfect six-pack will take time, effort, and a clean diet. Some of the below exercises will help bring you steps closer to your sexy six pack goal.

Three Pulse Leg Lifts –

Try out these leg lifts with a twist! Place your hands underneath your butt, lift your legs up, and slowly drop them down to the ground. Hold for a second at to top, middle, and bottom. Don’t let those legs touch the ground! You will want to keep that resistance in your core. Also make sure to keep your head on the ground so you don’t strain your neck. Try doing 3 sets of 10 reps. I can guarantee you will feel the burn.

Lying Jack Knives –

Start lying on the ground with your legs straight out and your arms straight above your head. Bring your left arm to meet your right leg to get that crunch in your core. Make sure to get that left shoulder blade off the ground. Alternate with your right arm and left leg. Again, getting that right shoulder blade off the ground. Keep alternating opposite arm and opposite leg. This exercise is a great burn out for the core. Try doing 3 sets of 10 reps on each side.

Alternating Heel Touches –

This is a great exercise for the obliques. Some people forget about those! Lie on the ground with your knees bent and your feet firmly on the floor. Keep them a little less than shoulder width apart. Move side to side as if you are trying to grab the back of your heels. Try not to strain your neck. You should avoid lifting your chin to your chest. Try doing 4 sets of 10 reps on each side.

Forearm Plank –

This exercise is not as easy as it sounds. It takes a lot of core strength to hold a plank for a longer amount of time. You can slowly build up your core strength by increasing the time you hold your plank. For your form, you should be on your forearms and tip toes. Your feet should be about shoulder-width apart. Make sure to keep your butt low and your core tight. You want to look as straight as a board. You can start off by holding a plank for 30 seconds. Then you can graduate to 45 seconds and then a minute and so on.

Plank Dips –

This is another great exercise for your obliques and one of my favorites. Your form will look the same as a forearm plank. Again, make sure to keep your butt low and tummy nice and tight. Once you have your form, slowly dip your hips side to side. You should feel this in your obliques. Try doing 3 sets of 15 each side. By performing these core exercises, you will be one step closer to that sexy six-pack. Give these a try this week.

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