V Shred

6 New Row Variations To Try On Back Day

What is it they say about variety? That it’s the spice of life? We 100% agree!

But when it comes to your gym life — it depends. 

You have to be strategic, and today we are going to help you with that!  We have SIX BENT OVER ROW VARIATIONS for you to add to your exercise library.

For most, exercise variety is great! 

But if you are looking to get bigger or stronger — constantly changing your programming may not be the best idea! 

The keyword is constantly! Everyone needs some sort of change from time-to-time to avoid adaptation.

Here are 10 ideas to help keep your body from hitting a plateau that may be hard to break …. 

If growth or strength is your goal, your training program should mainly consist of basic (but effective) staple exercises that change based on your progress, goals, and training phase, and hypertrophy should be achieved mainly through those first eight suggestions above! 

You can still incorporate new exercises or your current exercises in a different way,  but they need to fit into your overall plan and have a specific purpose.

Constant confusion IS NOT ideal … 

But a little strategic confusion could be beneficial!

One of the best ways to be strategic with muscle confusion when you are trying to grow or get stronger is to take an exercise you already have in your plan and make a slight adjustment. Which is exactly what you can do with the SIX BENT OVER ROW VARIATIONS we are showing you today. 

You can find step-by-step instructions and tips below! But if you are more of a visual learner, or want to ensure you are doing them correctly, check out this instructional video we filmed!


The first three variations only use dumbbells which makes them great if you workout from home, travel, or go to a gym with limited equipment. 

They are all dumbbell rows, but each is slightly different and serves a unique purpose!

VARIATION ONE: Bent Over Two Arm Dumbbell Row

This is a back-day staple for most. We include it in our variation list because many people workout from home or only have access to a gym with limited equipment and need dumbbell-only ideas for back day!

But also because many people perform this row variation with poor form and end up recruiting more traps or arms.  We want to help make sure if you are doing it, you are doing it right!

How To:

Tips To Consider:

VARIATION TWO: Bent Over Single-Arm Dumbbell Row 

This exercise is very similar to variation one, except you will be using a bench for support and only rowing one arm at a time. 

Throwing in unilateral movements is important to ensure you are hitting each side of your body equally. If you don’t currently have any unilateral exercises in your plan, you should!

How To:

Tips To Consider:

VARIATION THREE: Chest Supported Dumbbell Row

This is another dumbbell variation with a bench, but you will put the bench at a slight incline and use it for chest support! 

The back is a large muscle, and sometimes people attempt to use a load that is way too heavy. This usually results in swinging or using the legs for momentum

When your chest is supported, it takes out all momentum and is all muscle! You get to focus on what’s most important — tempo and time under tension!

How To:

Tips To Consider:

VARIATION FOUR: Standing Cable Low Row 

This row variation hits your lats at a lower angle and is great for people who have a hard time with the elbow back and up movement. With the cable pulley down low, once you stand back, the back and up movement is a little more natural. 

You can use any handle you have available at your gym. If you use a straight bar, we suggest an overhand (pronated) grip for better lat isolation. You can also use an EZ curl bar with an underhand (supinated) grip, but be aware that you will recruit a little more bicep performing them this way.

We also really like using a rope. With a rope, you can use a neutral position, which is great for lat contraction!  It also allows you to go out and around your hips. 

How To:

Tips To Consider:


This is a bodyweight-only exercise, but don’t let that fool you! It is VERY DIFFICULT, especially if added in as a back day finisher! 

It’s also a great back day warm-up and perfect for anybody working on developing their pull-up strength.  

You would typically use a smith machine/squat rack for this exercise, which is how we describe below, but if your gym has rings or a TRX system, those are also great options!

How To:

Tips To Consider:


The Meadows Row was made popular and named after the famous bodybuilder John Meadows. You may have also heard it called a — Landmine Row, Single Arm T-Bar Row, or Perpendicular Landmine Row. 

Whatever you wanna call it, we love it!  It is unilateral, allows for a more significant elbow-out arm path, provides extra range of motion, and is great for grip strength!

It seems that a lot of people don’t know about this row variation, and we’ve noticed those that do tend to use bad form. A few weeks ago, we filmed a video on back thickness where we go into even more detail on how to do the Meadows Row with proper form. You can check it out HERE if you want!

How To:

Tips To Consider:

We hope you found this video helpful

and it helps you spice up your next back day!! 

If you want to hit your lats a little differently, swap your current row variation for one of these!

Or, if you are looking for more lat-focused movements, pick a few from the list and add them to your current program!

But don’t forget that including variations like these to bust past plateaus or cure boredom should be pretty low on your list of priorities if your goal is to build a BIGGER BACK! 

Actually, no matter your goal, your first priority should always be finding a training program and diet that best matches your goals and genetics. 

That is if you want the fastest and easiest results!!

We have a FREE QUIZ that can help you out with this. It’s only six questions. You get your results instantly and are given the three most important things you can do to get real results fast!! 

You can check it out HERE whenever you get a chance! 


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