V Shred

Ab Shredding Partner Workout

Who ever said working out couldn’t be fun? Try out some of these fun core exercises with your workout partner.

Plank Crawls + High Five

– These are so fun. Start by standing across from your partner, face to face. Crawl down until you meet in the middle and then give a high five with opposite hands (their left + your right.) Then, crawl back to a standing position and repeat. When doing these exercises, remember to keep that core tight! Don’t let that belly hang down. Form is key. Try 3 sets of 10 reps.

Partner Leg Lifts

– Lie on the floor and have your partner stand by your head. Wrap your arms around their legs, lift your legs up and have them throw your legs back down. (Don’t leg your feet touch the ground! Keep that resistance in your core.) Have your partner switch it up and throw your legs to the left or to the right to work those obliques as well. Try performing 20 reps and then switch with your partner. Have each person perform 3 sets of 20 reps.

Old School Crunches (with a twist)

– Lie on the floor with your feet planted shoulder width apart and knees bent. Have your partner sit or stand on your feet to help keep them on the ground. Place your fingertips behind your head, crunch up, and then twist to the left and right (4-5 turns) as you slowly move back down to the floor. This exercise is almost like is a sit up and a bicycle exercise had a baby and it will burn out your core. Perform 15 reps before switching with your partner. Have each person perform 3 sets of 15 reps.

Medicine Ball Crunch and Throw

– You and your partner should sit on the ground facing each other. One of you will start with the medicine ball. Crunch up and throw the ball to your partner. Your partner should catch the ball and perform the same exercise. Try performing 3 sets of 10 reps (one throw counts as one rep.)

Partner Twist

– This exercise can be done a few ways. You can either stand side by side or sit back to back. Take a medicine ball or kettle bell and twist to the side to hand it to your partner. Your partner will twist to one side to grab it from you, then quickly twist to the other side to return it. If you are sitting on the floor, you can make this exercise more challenging by lifting your feet off the floor. It then becomes more of a partner Russian twist. Try performing 3 sets of 25 (twisting to one side counts as one.) There are so many partner core exercises you can perform. Working out with a friend or partner is always more exciting and challenging.

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