V Shred

Best Bicep Workout Fix to Get Bigger Arms Fast

best bicep workout

Getting bigger arms is not the easiest task. But if you’re looking to finally accomplish this seemingly massive goal, you need to be incorporating the best bicep workout fix! This simple adjustment will make all the difference!

Bigger arms is one of the most sought out goals when it comes to fitness. But actually getting your biceps to fill out your sleeves and get those veins sticking out is easier said than done.

If you’re ready to say goodbye to the struggles of small arm land and build serious bicep muscle, it’s time to put down the muscle magazines, learn your body type with this free body type quiz and start doing the best bicep workout fix today!

This workout fix is great for any kind of bicep exercise, such as dumbbells curls, cable curls, EZ bar curls, etc. But in this video, I will be using the face curl for my example.

The reason I am using the face curl is because the face curl is a great way to target the “peak” of the bicep. This is also known as the “short head” of the bicep muscle.

The Best Bicep Workout Mistake

You see, the biggest mistake you can make when doing bicep exercises, is going too heavy. By going too heavy, you are preventing yourself from achieving full range of motion.

But this is not to say you’re not getting the full stretch of the muscle. That part is no problem. All you have to do is let the weight straighten your arm.

Instead, you are not able to get the “peak” contraction of the muscle because you can’t properly lift it all the way up.

The Best Bicep Workout Fix

In order to correct years of doing this on accident, you can simply incorporate a bicep curl additive to achieve this “peak” contraction.

To do this, you will do, what I call, the “triple-pump bicep curl”. This is when you set up into bicep curl position and using a lighter weight you will curl the weight towards you.

Now instead of lowering the weight back down to the original starting position, you will go half-way down and curl back up. You will repeat this 2 more times and then lower it all the way down.

Therefore, you will have curled the weight all the way up, gotten the “peak” contraction four times, and fully extended the muscle by lowering the weight all the way back down.

The Conclusion

If you are someone who has struggled with packing on bicep muscle, it very well could be because you’re not getting the full range of motion. So by incorporating the “triple-pump bicep curl” you will put extra emphasis on the “peak” contraction, allowing for more gains!

Try this out and be sure to share this with a friend who needs bigger arms!

Also, comment down below what your best bicep workout fix is! I’m excited to hear from you!

So, you want to get bigger arms? You think you got what it takes to be a part of the best arms workout program on the internet? Then click this link to check out our “Big Arms” program, where we go super in-depth on how to expand your arms and become a living HULK. Don’t wait, the arms of your dreams are in that link!


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