High intensity interval training is such a great way to get into shape. The HIIT movements paired with minimal rest will help scorch away those unwanted pounds. The below workout includes a little bit of everything. If you don’t below to a gym or have some of the equipment, you can modify by just using your body weight.
Round 1 – Warm Up
Each exercise is 30 seconds with no rest
- jumping jacks
- cross jacks
- pulsing squat
- jump squat ( or regular squats if your legs get heavy)
- high knees
- pulsing lunge, left leg
- butt kicks
- pulsing lunge, right leg
- jump lunges (if you cant complete the whole 30 seconds jumping, try just stepping them out. Just keep moving!)
1 minute rest
Round 2 –
Each exercise is 40 seconds with no rest
- bosu ball toe taps ( make sure the blue side is facing up)
- push up with left arm on the bosu ball ( these can also be done on your knees)
- bosu ball toe taps
- push up with right arm on the bosu ball
- bosu ball burpee with front raise
- sumo squat with left leg on the bosu ball
- bosu ball mountain climbers (blue side is on the ground. Keep that core tight!)
- sumo squat with right leg on the bosu ball
1 minute rest
Round 3 – Strength + Balance Training
Each exercise is 40 seconds with no rest All of these exercises will be done on a bosu ball (blue part down) and weights.
- bosu ball squats, weights come to your heart: make sure to really squeeze those glutes at the top
- bosu ball bicep curls: make sure to keep those elbows nice and locked at your sides with no cheating! Bring those arms all the way up and all the way down when curling.
- bosu ball front raise
- bosu ball lateral raise
- bosu ball chest fly: it should look like you are hugging a tree
- bosu ball squats, weights come to your heart
1 minute rest
Round 4 – Glutes and Core Burnout
Each exercise is 30 seconds with no rest These exercises should be done on a mat or floor with no equipment
- donkey kick, left leg
- fire hydrant, left leg
- 5 second hold bridge: hold a bridge for 5 seconds, drop your butt back down and explode back up to hold for 5 more seconds. Do this 5 times.
- Donkey kick, right leg
- Fire hydrant, right leg
- 5 second hold bridge (squeeze those glutes!)
- leg lifts: place those hands under your butt and lift those legs up. Slowly drop them down but don’t let those feet touch the ground. The slower you drop your legs, the harder it will be.
- Jack knives: crunch up with your opposite arm and opposite leg. Make sure to get that shoulder blade off of the ground. Repeat to the opposite side. It is going to burn!
- Bicycles
- Forearm plank
How are you feeling after this one? Your body will thank you later. Try this exercise 2 to 3 times a week and you should start to see that belly fat slide right off.