V Shred

Complete Biceps & Triceps Workout At-Home (Resistance Band Workout)

To get the exact resistance band I use in this video, click here – Get my resistance band!

Building big arms is a very common goal when it comes to getting in shape, but is one that is easier said than done. There are a lot of factors that come into play when trying to build bigger biceps and triceps, like..

Is your nutrition taken care of so that your muscles are fueled for your workouts?

Is your workout plan catered around your goals of building muscle and/or burning fat?

If you don’t have these taken care of first, start by taking our free body type quiz to find out the 3 most important things to do when trying to get in shape, depending on your goals!

Click Here to take our free body type quiz! 

After that, building bigger arms typically comes down to if you have access to a gym and then proper exercises and the proper form.

But in this video, you don’t need to go to the gym. You can do this workout from home using only a resistance band!

The workout will consist of 3 bicep exercises and 3 tricep exercises. Each bicep exercise will be superset with a tricep exercise, which means they will be performed back to back and then followed by a rest. You will do 3 supersets for each exercise with one minute of rest in-between and that’ll be it!

The exercises:

  • RB Standing Curls superset with RB Overhead Tricep Extensions
  • RB Face Curls superset with RB Downward Tricep Extensions
  • RB Preacher Curls superset with RB Kickbacks

Make sure you focus on form with all of these and get that pump! Let me know what you think down below!

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