V Shred

The PROPER Way To Lift Weights (Stop Doing This!)

What’s up everybody!?

What if I told you, that right now, I am about to give you one of the best tips you’ll ever get when it comes to working out in the gym?

People often ask me why they can’t put on any muscle or progressively lift heavier weight.

First and foremost, I always tell them their diet needs to be in check before anything else. So let’s say their diet is perfect, I then ask them what they’re doing in the gym… As an example, let’s say they’re doing 4 exercises with 4 sets of 8. Which looks great on paper.

But, then when I think about all the guys i see at the gym lifting wrong and looking the exact same as they did a year ago, it hurts me inside.


Because I know the difference between looking how you’ve always looked and actually seeing your muscles start to pop, is in one simple fix and I made a video about it.

So right now, all I ask is you take a couple minutes out of your day, click the link below, watch the video and give it a shot at the gym, the next time you go. I guarantee it helps you.


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