V Shred

The 5 Bicep Exercises You Probably Aren’t Doing (But Should) 

Stop what you are doing … and flex .. or visualize flexing. 

Go ahead. We’ll wait……..

What muscle first came to mind? What did you instinctively tighten up? 

We’d bet 99% of people reading this flexed their bicep.

Biceps are our primary “show off” muscles.

Every person who lifts weights has different goals in terms of exactly how big or cut they want their body to be, but it’s pretty safe to say that EVERYONE wants to have impressive arms.

We totally get why you would want to place so much emphasis on sculpting them.

Arms are almost always on display.

That is why we put together an instructional video that shows you what we believe are the 5 BEST EXERCISES FOR BIGGER ARMS …

Most of these bicep exercises are not your typical “go to” bicep curls.

You probably haven’t even tried most of these 5 exercises. Or at least in the way we are showing you today.

In this video, we will explain in-depth exactly how you need to do these 5 key movements because proper form is KEY if you want to build better arms. 

Not doing an exercise correctly and rushing through the motions is the #1 reason most people aren’t seeing the gains they want for ANY muscle – not just arms!

But when it comes to arms, people make another big mistake, which is not hitting ALL HEADS of the muscle!

These 5 exercises take out all the guesswork! We are equally hitting all heads of the bicep EXACTLY the way they should be for MAXIMUM results! 

So make sure you check out the video before trying any of these movements!




Exercise 1: Easy Bar Curl (with forced negative)
Low rep range (6-8 reps)
Heavier weight
Negative focused

Exercise 2:  Zottman Curl
Mid rep rang (about 10 reps)
Challenging weight where you can still use proper form.
Time under tension focused.

Exercise 3: Spider Curls
Higher rep range.
Lighter weight.
Slow and controlled.

Exercise 4: Incline Bench Curls
Lighter weight
Moderate to high rep range.
Slow, controlled, and eccentric focused.
 *This is Vince’s favorite bicep exercise*

Exercise 5: Lying Cable Face Curls
Mid rep range
Challenging weight where you can still use proper form.
Time under tension focused.

If you consistently incorporate these 5 exercises – using the exact methods we demonstrate in this videowe know that you will be on your way to developing bigger biceps. 


If you are pushing hard in the gym, eating right, adequately letting your body recover and you STILL aren’t seeing much progress – your muscle-building hormone TESTOSTERONE may be too low.

Low testosterone can happen to anyone at any age, and having low test won’t ONLY slow down your gym progress.

If you are low on this vital hormone, you may also experience  – a sluggish sex drive, low energy levels, brain fog, and occasional crappy moods.

That’s why we created a product called TEST BOOST MAX

This supplement is a unique blend of 8 potent libido and testosterone boosting ingredients that provide support to help get your test levels back into an optimal range safely and naturally.

To read more about the effects of low testosterone and how TEST BOOST MAX may be able to help you – CLICK HERE!

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