V Shred

The 7 Best Dumbbell Chest Exercises 

Maybe your chest routine is getting a little boring, or you aren’t growing and want to give your pecs a little “shock” to see if you can bust past a plateau – – if so, you will want to keep reading! 

We have a great workout for you today, and you don’t need any elaborate equipment or machines.

All you need is some dumbbells and an adjustable bench! 

We will be using a variety of rep ranges and several different training methods such as supersets and even some bodyweight exercises — so you can hit all areas of the chest and promote as much chest growth as possible.

We know .. DB’s only means no barbell bench press.

Just because the barbell bench press is the “gold standard” for chest day doesn’t mean it’s the only way to build better pecs!

We love the barbell bench press as much as the next guy (or gal) — and it’s hard to pass up all those fancy plated chest machines and cables for things like flys. But for those times when you don’t have access to a lot of gym equipment or just want a change up your chest routine — dumbbells are really great for chest day! 

Not to mention, dumbbells may be an even better option for many people because they are said to be safer for your shoulders!

Some people even claim that they are better for getting that mind-muscle connected needed to activate the pec muscle!

Whether it’s by choice or because they’re all you’ve got, dumbbells are an excellent choice for times when you want to  directly hit your chest!

The DB workout we have for you is just 7 exercises. None of them are complicated or fancy — but they work! 

We will be starting with an incline superset, then dropping the bench down for a flat superset before moving to a stand-alone exercise, and then finishing with another superset on the ground!

These 7 exercises are simple, but if you use proper form and follow our form tips, it is a great workout! 

Again, all you need are some DB’s and a bench! Let’s go! 





Superset: Incline DB Press // Incline DB Fly

** You will do these two exercises back-to-back with NO rest between exercises.  Once you have completed both exercises, you will rest for 1-minute and repeat until the prescribed number of sets is complete.

** Rep range lowers with each set. If you have heavier DB’s and can, attempt to go up in weight with each set. 

(1) Incline DB Press
Equipment: Moderate to heavy DB’s. An adjustable bench set at an incline.

Sets:  3

Reps: 15, 12, and  8. 

Technique Tips: Roll your shoulders back. Don’t flare your elbows out super wide as you go down. Bring them down to about a 45-degree angle and then go down until your arms are at around 90-degrees and then press up, squeeze through your chest, and do not rest at the top! Keep constant slow and controlled tension at all times!

Rest: None! Go straight into exercise 2. 

(2) Incline DB Fly
Equipment: DB’s that are about ½ the weight you used for the press. An adjustable bench set at an incline.

Sets:  3

Reps: 15, 12, and  8. 

Technique Tips: Keep a soft bend in your elbow. Rotate your arms slightly inward and slowly lower at a little bit of an angle. Get a big stretch and then raise back to the starting position and squeeze your pecs together. Do not rest at the top! Keep constant slow and controlled tension at all times! 

Rest: One minute

Superset: Flat DB Press // Flat DB Fly

** You will do these two exercises back-to-back with NO rest between exercises. Once you have completed both exercises, you will rest for 1-minute and repeat until the prescribed number of sets is complete.

** Rep range lowers with each set. If you have heavier DB’s and can, attempt to go up in weight with each set. 

** Because we are lowering the bench to flat, you can likely lift heavier weight with this superset than the previous superset. If you have heavier weights, use them. 

(3) Flat DB Press
Equipment: Moderate to heavy DB’s. A flat bench. 

Sets:  3

Reps: 15, 12, and  8. 

Technique Tips: Roll your shoulders back and press your shoulders down. Bring elbows down to about a 45-degree angle and then go down until your arms are at around 90-degrees and then press up, squeeze through your chest, and do not rest or lockout at the top! Keep constant slow and controlled tension at all times!

Rest: None! Go straight into exercise 4. 

(4) Flat DB Fly

Equipment: DB’s that are about ½ the weight you used for the press. A flat bench.

Sets:  3

Reps: 15, 12, and  8. 

Technique Tips: Keep a soft bend in your elbow. Lower slowly until you get a big stretch, and then raise back to the starting position and squeeze your pecs together. Do not rest at the top! Keep constant slow and controlled tension at all times! 

Rest: One minute. 

Squeeze Press

** This exercise is done stand alone–the only non-super-set in today’s workout. 

Equipment: Lighter DB’s. A flat bench. 

Sets:  3

Reps: 15, 12, and  8. 

Technique Tips: Kick the weight back and lay on your back. Hold the DB’s together and press straight up from your chest. Squeeze the DB’s together throughout the entire movement. Slowly return to the starting position. Do not rest and repeat for the prescribed number of reps. Squeeze from start to finish keeping tension on the muscle the entire time! 

Rest: One minute between each set. 

Superset: DB Floor Press // Bodyweight Push-Ups

** You will do these two exercises back-to-back with NO rest between exercises. Once you have completed both exercises, you will rest for 1-minute and repeat until the prescribed number of sets is complete.

** Rep range lowers with each set for the 1st exercise. If you have heavier DB’s and can, attempt to go up in weight with each set. 

(6) DB Floor Press
** This exercise works the chest differently from a regular flat bench press. Your chest never gets into a super “stretched” position,  so you hit the muscle a little differently than it’s used to. 

** You will likely be able to push more weight with this style of press. 

Equipment:  Heavy DB’s. A small space on the floor and a mat if you want to use one. 

Sets:  3

Reps: 15, 12, and  8. 

Technique Tips:  Lay on the ground with your back firmly on the floor and your knees bent. Press DB’s up with your palms facing forward. Squeeze your chest. Lower your arms down slowly until your triceps touch the ground, then press back up.

Rest: None! Go straight into exercise 7. 

(7) Bodyweight Push-Ups
Equipment: None

Sets:  3

Reps: 15

Technique Tips: Hands just outside shoulder with. Elbows go down at an angle (do not flare them out.) Keep shoulders rolled back. 

Rest: One minute. 

As you see, this is a very basic workout. The only exercise you maybe haven’t done before now is the Floor Press.

Don’t let that fool you into thinking it’s not effective. The basics are what some of the people with the best physique in the world use .. because they work! 

You don’t need to do all the crazy stuff you see people doing on social media. 

Stick to the basics like in this workout, push hard, and you will see results!


You can workout everyday and hit your chest multiple times a week — but you will never grow if your nutrition isn’t in check. 

You have to know what macros YOUR BODY needs to reach your goals.

We have a free macro calculator and body type quiz you can take to help you out with all of that!


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