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Types of Training To Melt Away Belly Fat

Excuses and self-doubt are some of the main obstacles that can get in the way of your weight loss goals. “I don’t have time,” “A gym membership is too expensive,” “I can’t do that!” Be done with the excuses and the self-doubt. There are so many different types of exercises and workouts out there, but which one is best for you and your goals?

Strength Training

– Did you know that weight lifting could burn just as many or more calories than your treadmill or elliptical workout? Muscle definitely is sexy. Strength is sexy. Some women are afraid to lift heavy in fear of “bulking up.” This won’t happen unless this is your goal is to bulk. Women shouldn’t be afraid to pick up the 10 or 15-pound dumbbells instead of the 5-pound ones. If you are already familiar with weight training and you are interested in getting stronger, try some of these:

Tabata Training

– Tabata training is also known as 20/10. This means 20 seconds of all you’ve got followed by 10 seconds of rest. This is also known as a type of HIIT exercise. HIIT stands for High-Intensity Interval Training. Try this Tabata workout: 5 rounds of 20 seconds on and 10 seconds off. Jump Squat, Burpees, Lunge Jumps, Push Ups, Russian Twists.

Plyometric Training

– Some of you might have heard about Plyometric training, but aren’t 100% sure of what it is. This type of training is also knows as “plyos” and these workouts are used to increase speed and power. So what type of exercises can increase your speed and power? Well why don’t you try out the below and see how that goes:

Circuit Training

– Like Tabata, circuit training is another form of high-intensity interval training. A full body circuit can be done in just 30-45 minutes. Try doing the below workout for 3-4 rounds:

Try incorporating some type of high-intensity interval training into your workout regimen two to three times a week. The best thing about high intensity interval training workouts is that they can be done anywhere. You will also burn more fat losing weight and not muscle.

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