V Shred

2 Million Strong: Thank You For Helping Us Change Lives

Thank You V Shred Family: Celebrating 2-Million YouTube Subscribers With A Special Discount & Brand New Workout!

We are kind of at a loss for words.

If you had told us in 2015 when we first started our journey to change millions of lives through a health and fitness channel on YouTube  that we would reach 2-MILLION SUBSCRIBERS with over 450 million total views and counting in just 5 short years we probably wouldn’t have believed you.

We knew we had lofty goals and knew we would reach them one day, but honestly we thought the milestone we just reached was going to take much longer.

Yet, because of you here we are.

In only 5 years, we have created one of the world’s most popular fitness YouTube Channels and just recently hit 2-Million Subscribers!

It all started on March 2015… Four guys with a vision to simplify training and put the fun back in fitness.

Four guys that just wanted to show people that they can transform their body without endless hours in the gym and rabbit food diets.

Four guys that wanted to help people better their health and build self-confidence.

Now four people wanting to change lives has grown to a family of 2-MILLION from all over the world, and that is on YouTube alone.

We also have millions of social media followers, hundreds-of-thousands of custom training clients in 120+ countries, and have seen more people than we can count transform their bodies using our free YouTube workouts, free body-type quiz, and digital fitness programs.

We are humbled and proud to see our vision come to life so quickly and can’t thank you enough for your support in making it happen.

Thank you for trusting us with your fitness journey.
Thank you for subscribing and engaging with me on our YouTube Channel.
Thank you for always inspiring us.
Thank you for giving us a worldwide community of friends and family.

We promise to continue to provide you with all the tools you need to crush your workouts, nutrition advice that will help you create a healthy lifestyle, offer you the most cutting edge supplements money can buy, and continue to build our network of 24/7 support.

We want to give back to you guys for following along on the journey with us!

First .. we are giving you 30% OFF any Sculpt Nation order!
When you checkout just use the promo code: 2MILL30 – CLICK HERE TO SHOP!

Second .. I know our YouTube subscribers have been waiting on some new workout videos to hit the channel.

We have been working hard behind the scenes putting all that together and have a ton of content we are anxious to post.

We are kicking that off today with a BRAND NEW free workout for you guys!

This is a FULL BODY WORKOUT that only takes 10 minutes of your day and can be done with ZERO EQUIPMENT!

While you are sweating along with us, if you haven’t already make sure and hit the subscribe button on the channel and share this blog with a friend or two so we can continue to grow this amazing community.

We aren’t done yet! 3-Million … we are coming for you!


You can adapt this workout to YOUR fitness level!

The faster you go, the more rounds you will be able to complete in the set 10 minutes.

The heavier the DBs you use, or the greater the resistance of the bands, the harder the workout will be!

Or you can skip out on any equipment and only use your body weight!

Set a timer for 10 Minutes and repeat this 10 move circuit as many times as possible without resting! Let’s Go!



10 Min AT HOME Full Body Workout

You will keep repeating this with NO REST until your TEN MINUTE TIMER IS UP! This 10 min workout will burn even more calories if you use dumbbells or resistance bands. You don’t always need fancy gym equipment or a large wide open space to get in a killer sweat session!

This workout is only 10 minutes so make sure you PUSH YOURSELF!! You can make an excuse, or you can MAKE time!

While this workout is great to throw in when you are “in a pinch” and will no doubt make anyone work up a sweat and blast some major calories, when it comes to achieving optimal results, you need a long term plan that you can adhere to more days than not.

It needs to factor in your personal starting point, your end goal, and, most importantly, your body type.

We have a FREE BODY TYPE QUIZ that you can take that will take all the guesswork out and show you exactly how you should train and eat to fuel YOUR body!

We know if you are reading this you are probably already strapped for time.

Once you complete it, you will finally have the mystery taken out of how you should train and eat! So think of this quiz as only a few moments of your day that will give you back hours of time and stress later down the road!


We are giving you 30% off your Sculpt Nation order with codE: 2MILL30
So go stock up on all your favorites before the code expires! CLICK HERE TO SHOP!

It is because of your support that we achieved this amazing milestone. We are excited to continue to change lives – together!

If you’re not already following us on YouTube or our many social media channels, here are all the links! We look forward to connecting with you!

V Shred Instagram
V Shred For Women Instagram
Sculpt Nation Instagram
V Shred Facebook
V Shred For Women Facebook
Sculpt Nation Facebook
V Shred TikTok
Sculpt Nation TikTok
V Shred Twitter
Sculpt Nation Twitter

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