Conrad bet on himself for just 90 days... and was SHOCKED to see the scale DROP NEARLY 200 POUNDS!
When I stepped on a scale and saw that I was over 460 pounds, I thought to myself, if I keep going this way, I’m not going to be here for my boys…
Conrad knew he wanted to make big changes. Honestly, he NEEDED to make them. But to say that the cards were stacked against him is an understatement.

- He had admittedly struggled with weight his entire life
- He couldn’t recall ever setting foot in a gym
- He had used fad diets and lost 100 pounds twice… and then gained it all back and more.
So what made this time different? Conrad had someone new in his corner. After seeing an ad for the V Shred program Fat Loss Extreme, he purchased not only the workout system, but also dedicated access to a one-on-one coach in V Shred Custom Coaching & Nutrition.
To justify the purchase, he made a deal with himself:

I said, “Conrad, you can do this for just three months, and you can learn. After that , you can do it on your own.”
And I justified it by saying ‘I’m not going to Starbucks this month.’ With that, I paid for my meal plan for a whole month.

Conrad was paired with Coach Adam, an elite V Shred coach who reached out and helped this admittedly picky eater build a personalized plan he was confident he could follow.
This wasn’t just a cookie-cutter list of meals or macros. It was an ongoing relationship!
“Adam introduced himself to me and sent over a meal plan within 24 hours. He asked me if I wanted to make any changes. I looked it over, and I was so excited to see that he had listened to my likes and dislikes!”

Adam also helped Conrad add a new dimension of structure and accountability to his approach. He provided exercise alternatives for his Fat Loss Extreme workouts, allowing him to work at his level… and then showing him how to exceed it.
“So I did modified push-ups and planks for a while, but now I can do them fully elevated. Small successes like that really motivated me.”

The pair also used the V Shred Custom Coaching’s unlimited email communication to the utmost, making sure that all of Conrad’s questions were answered and he approached every workout and meal feeling ready and confident.

Having those check-ins and having somebody in my corner who is there to cheer me on was essential… It gave me motivation. I knew that I had support.
With Adam’s help, the weight melted from Conrad’s 6-foot-6 frame. He lost his familiar 100 pounds, then another 86 pounds on top of it in just over a year. And this time, it stayed off!
Rather than quitting after three months, Conrad kept working with Adam… and kept seeing it pay off again and again!
After repeating Fat Loss Extreme three times, he switched to another V Shred program, Ripped in 90. But he didn’t do it alone!
Each time, Adam was at his side to craft the perfect nutritional approach and help him get the most out of his training.

It blew me away on what could be accomplished by proper dieting and exercise.
This is the first program that I’ve ever been a part of that I feel is truly built for the rest of my life.

Over 800 days and nearly as many workouts later, Conrad is still going strong. He’s lost over 200 pounds, 22 pant sizes, and over 20 percent body fat. He can also set foot in any weight room—with no sleeves, even—and confidently lift alongside the most experienced gym rats.
He even recently trained alongside his V Shred coach Adam and V Shred founder Vince Sant in Las Vegas for the very first time… and did the first pull-up of his life while he was there! But even when the gym’s not an option, Conrad now knows how to take charge of the situation and do “way better than nothing” workouts that will keep his positive momentum going… and going! After decades of struggling, his healthy lifestyle is finally on autopilot. But it didn’t happen by accident. It happened because he and his trainer worked together, stacking one small victory after another until they had achieved something truly unbelievable. We want to help you look and feel your best. And V Shred’s custom diet and nutrition plans are the best way to get you there! A custom plan could be great for you if you are someone who… If you’re struggling with exercise and nutrition and need that extra push, don’t struggle through alone. Let us do all the guesswork for you! V Shred Custom Coaching’s team of nutritional and training experts can help you create a plan that: Will those fundamentals in place, you can build a lasting healthy lifestyle and surprise everyone with what you can achieve… but especially yourself! Choose the plan that’s right for you, and you’ll get matched with your ideal V Shred coach. Start building a life-changing relationship!