V Shred

Good Healthy Snacks to Have Late At-Night

good healthy snacks

If you’re looking for good healthy snacks to have late to fulfill your sweet tooth, check these 4 out!

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We all get those late night cravings where you feel like you need to eat everything.

But even with those cravings, you must make the decision to make a healthy choice. But the issue with most healthy choices is that they don’t leave you satisfied.

Whether you’re still hungry, or your sweet tooth was fulfilled, you end up still wanting more.

But what if there were snack options that would satisfy your cravings while making you feel full?

Here are four different trail mix variations to have at night to do just that.

Good Healthy Snacks for Before Bed

For each of these, you may make as many portions as you want. The measurements below are for 3-4 servings.

Regular Trail Mix

Chocolate Lovers Mix

Nut Lovers Mix

Sweet Tooth Cravers Mix

Pick one or all of the trail mix combinations that sounds the most satisfying to you! Have it before you go to bed whenever you get those cravings and feel better about yourself while getting in better shape faster!

Don’t forget to share these snacks with your social medias and leave any comments or questions you have below!

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