Spend enough time online, and you'll no doubt encounter this weight loss advice: "Eat less, move more."
It makes a fair amount of sense on first glance. So what’s the problem? If you’ve ever struggled for months… years… decades to control your weight, you know how tough that advice can be to put into action.
And even when you do, how the “slippery slope” of perpetually cutting calories and increasing exercise can leave you feeling hungry, miserable, and no closer to your goals than you were before.
Is there a better way? Yes! And it starts with having a better understanding of what your metabolism IS, and the different ways that it can be engineered for lasting fat-loss.
Watch the video and let’s dive in!
What does metabolism mean?
When we’re talking about the human body, “metabolism” refers to the process where your body converts everything you eat and drink into energy, in the form of calories.
Food, drinks, and yes, alcohol… anything you consume that contains calories gets combined with oxygen to release energy that your body can use to do… well, everything! Simply surviving demands a TON of calories. Talking, breathing, digestion, sleep… they all have their own particular “cost” in calories.
What might be surprising is how LITTLE exercise actually factors into it! Activity only comprises around 30 percent of the calories you burn, and as little as 5-10 percent of that is from actual WORKOUTS!
But one thing is true: over time, calories exist in a kind of balance. You’re either:
- Taking in more than you burn, which is a caloric "surplus"
- Burning more than you take in, which is a caloric "deficit"
- Or more or less balancing the two
Hang out in a surplus long enough, and you’ll gain weight. Hang out in a deficit, and you’ll lose weight. Balance the two, and your weight will stay about the same.

How to Tip The Scales in Your Favor
Now you might look at those options and think, “OK, then I’m going to eat less and move more.”
But here’s the problem: if all you do is eat less and move more… you’ll probably lose some weight. But you might also find yourself VERY hungry and tired quickly. And what comes next? Quitting your diet and take solace in some of your favorite comfort foods. Sound familiar?
So here are some other options:
- You could about eat the same, and move more
- You could eat a little less and move the same
- You could eat a little more and move a lot more
This last option is many people’s favorites. Our V Shred Custom Coaching nutrition experts hear from our members all the time: “I’m eating more than I ever have before, and still losing weight!”
Of course sometimes it just FEELS like more food, because they’re eating filling, healthy meals rather than fast food. But yes, there is a way to eat a LOT and still lose weight!
Here’s another option: You could get your diet and exercise in a sustainable balance that you KNOW you can stick with, and then add in SUPPLEMENTS to strategically bump the “burn” side a little higher.
For example, a variety of red pepper chili extract known as capsaicin, or Capsoimax in its purest, patented form, can help boost calorie burn by 4%, which is often as much 100-200 calories per day. If you’re carrying a lot of extra weight, that number could be as high as 300-400 calories!
But here's the catch...
Even if you burn 400 calories in a single pill, that’s still just one day. And one day isn’t going to move the scale.
But an extra 100, 200, or more calories burned per day, for 90 days straight? That can DEFINITELY add up.
This is why it’s CRUCIAL to take a fat-burner consistently, if you’re going to take it all. And this really applies to ANY supplement that you purchase. Supplements need to be given a chance to work to show their full potential. And that potential doesn’t get reached if you only take them every once in a while!
Have a Plan to Make Everything Else Work Better

Know what else is true about fat-burners and other supplements? They work FAR more reliably when you’ve got everything else in your fitness life in a “good enough” place.
So how do you get from here to “good enough?” The best way we know is to work one-on-one with an expert like a V Shed Custom Coaching trainer!
Our coaches have seen every type of situation and background, and know how to meet you where you are NOW, and work WITH YOU to solve the problems that have held you back.
Just as importantly, our coaches specialize in finding those habits in your life that are adding extra calories like a firehose spraying into the street… and helping you find solutions that work with your lifestyle!
Every V Shred custom nutrition and workout plans comes with:
- Customization to your likes, dislikes, and abilities
- Unlimited communication with your coach
- Unlimited changes to your plan
Get matched up with your perfect coach and start building a life-changing relationship today!