V Shred

4 Bodybuilding Tricep Exercises With Dumbbells

Feature | Bodybuilding Tricep Exercises With Dumbbells | tricep workout routine

Looking for more effective tricep exercises for your workout? These dumbbell exercises are great for working out all of your tricep heads. You may have seen people doing them at the gym, but often with the wrong form. Read on to learn how to properly do these tricep exercises at home or at the gym.

Dumbbell Tricep Exercises at Home and the Gym


1. Seated Overhead Triceps Extension

This one of the most common tricep exercises you’ll find people doing at the gym. However, more often than not, their form is incorrect, which may lead to injury.

Their elbows are flared out, moving them in different positions as they lift, which presses against their elbow joints. They bring the dumbbells all the way down and up causing them to lose tension in their triceps.

How to:

Tip: Focus on keeping your elbows tucked in as much as possible. Also, keep in mind to squeeze out your triceps without locking out your elbows when you extend.

2. Seated Dumbbell Kickback

A seated dumbbell kickback exercise is a great tricep exercise. However, if done wrong, you cannot get the full workout you’re going for which will make it ineffective.

How to:

Tip: Do not use heavy weights. Use a weight you can control to avoid creating momentum. The momentum will take away the tension from your triceps.

3. Dumbbell Crossbody Extensions

This exercise is a great workout for the outer head of your tricep because of the internal rotation of your shoulder.

How to:

Tip: Avoid locking out at the top when you’re doing the full arm extension. This will let the tricep head relax. Instead, focus on bringing your elbows across your body to keep your triceps engaged.

4. Lying Dumbbell Skullcrushers

A skull crusher exercise usually requires a bar, but you can also do this exercise with a pair of dumbbells.

How to:

Tip: Avoid resting at the bottom of the movement and stop just below 90 degrees. Be sure to keep your elbows in the same spot throughout the whole exercise.


For a demonstration, watch this video from our youtube channel V Shred:

Simple mistakes like elbow placement can ruin your triceps workout routine. Always keep your triceps engaged without letting it rest with every movement. Do these tricep exercises properly to keep the tension on your muscles and build your triceps.

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Have you tried other tricep exercises for your bodybuilding workout? Share them in the comments section below!

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