....Get in the best shape of your life.
...Win big money.
October 30th 11:59PM PST (Contest Starts Monday November 6th)
(Fact: Your friends and family are going to be shocked when they see your change in just 30 days!)
Did you know in just 30 days you could drastically drop your body fat, I'm talking over 10% or more.
Did you know that it takes around 30 days to break a long term bad habit or lock in new positive one?
Did you know you can add pounds of lean muscle in 30 days if your diet and training is perfectly matched to your body, age, height, weight?
(These comments are from 5 days into the November contest...)
What you are probably doing now...
I see too many people wasting time and money trying garbage programs they find on TV or the internet from some unreliable source. They throw away their hard earned money on workout plans that aren't designed to match their body, starting point, or long term goals.
If you are on a diet and training plan built for someone else, you have probably seen meager results in the mirror, gotten frustrated, and if you haven't yet, you probably will eventually give up.
Stop doing that. There is a better way. If you do things correctly you can reach your fitness goals in half the time, see massive results in the mirror and on the scale, and save a ton of time and money.
If you get on a scientifically proven program custom built to your body and your goals and you get high level coaching from an experienced expert to guide and motivate you across the finish line, you can't help but succeed.
Let me explain...
(This contest is THE proven road-map for rapid transformation)
In just 30 days, you can fast track your results and see more changes than you've seen in YEARS.
We know the formula to strip body fat and exactly how to pack on muscle... fast. You are going to see proof of that all over this page from our past contestants. Men and women of all ages make drastic transformations in 30 short days.
We have a repeatable system..... and it flat out works.
The reason this can happen so fast, comes down to a few factors:
Customization: If you want to see results like the people on this page, as fast as they did, it will require a plan that is 100% designed specifically for you. You aren't going to get these results following a generic one size fits all diet and training program.
Maximum Leverage, Support, and Accountability: It's hard pushing yourself when you are all alone. With nobody to be accountable to but yourself, it becomes easy to negotiate with yourself and cheat on your diet, skip a few reps, leave the gym early etc.. When you put your money down to enter this contest, that's leverage. You don't want to waste your hard earned money. When you join the private Facebook group and see everyone else in there pushing hard to stay on path, you won't want to be the first to quit.
That's leverage. Seeing everyone else's results and knowing if you stick it out, you'll get the same thing, that's leverage. Knowing if you really push yourself, you could win big money, that's leverage! Knowing your trainer is going to check in with you each week and it will be embarrassing to tell them you cheated, that's leverage. Leverage is crucial if you want to change fast!
Course Correction: You can have the right plan, but if it's even 2 degrees off, you won't transform fast and you'll likely plateau quickly and stop seeing results. It's crucial you have an expert who can adjust your diet or training each week, so you blast through plateaus and stay constantly maximizing your results.
Our methods have been put to the test and proven effective by over 100,000 men and women. I personally hand picked my trainers and we've helped clients from pro athletes, CEO's, housewives, actors, fitness models, and countless regular guys and girls from all walks of life, from all over the world, completely transform their bodies.
We are going to give you a step by step breakdown of what will work for YOU specifically. All you have to do is follow it blindly, communicate with your coach, and stick with it for 30 short days.
Through years of trial & error and learning what works and what doesn't, we've perfected our craft and know how to consistently get results for men and women of all ages, sizes, and goals.
One thing I love about these transformations is we make it so easy and do everything for you, that you simply have to follow the plan we layout and you will get results.
If you are a beginner looking to drop some fat or put on a little muscle but not sure what to do, great. You are about to be told exactly what to do and your learning curve will be short and sweet. You don't need to feel stressed because you are new to training and nutrition. We break it down so simple, anyone could follow it. We take all the guess work out.
If you are advanced and you would love to take your body to the next level and get your body fat % lower than you've ever had it and get your muscle to really have that shredded look, great. Your coach is going to dial your program in based on your starting point and your final goal.
Will it be easy? No. But will it be worth it? YOU BET. Trudging through the same old workout and diet routine day in and day out and being frustrated with your results causes so much frustration inside.
You deserve more than that and if you are going to put the time in anyway, you might as well do it correctly and LOVE the results you see in the mirror and get those results the fastest way possible!
So, if you're someone who doesn't want to work hard, or someone who always has an excuse even when someone hands you the perfect road map to succeed, this transformation challenge simply is not for you.
However, if you are ready to take control of your fitness life, get some world class mentorship, and make a transformation that puts a huge smile on your face and the swagger that comes with looking and feeling great, this transformation is exactly what you've been searching for.
(Give us 30 days & we'll change your life)
I'll let the results speak for themselves in the pictures and testimonials below from past contestants.
We worked hard to create an environment for guaranteed success and results.
We are going to write you a customized plan which will be the fastest blueprint that exists to transform your body and we will provide you with the support and motivation to drag you kicking and screaming across the finish line!
We know if you can give us 30 short days, we'll get your body to change so much in the mirror that you will be addicted to your results and be excited to keep it going long after the transformation challenge is over!
Your results will come down to how motivated you are and if you are willing to follow the plan for just 30 days and throw your old excuses out the door.
If you can do that, we'll handle the rest. Check these transformations out...
-You are about to have your own trainer to ask any questions that pop up. He's going to know you inside and out. He will design your plan and be holding your hand start to finish.
-You are about to be invited to a private Facebook group full of like minded people going through the same struggles who will encourage you when you are having a hard time and share things that are helping them get results.
-You are about to get weekly Facebook live chats where you can ask any question directly to Vince and he, his staff, and guest speakers will answer all your questions and then some.
-You are about to invest in your fitness. This isn't a free program. The simple fact that you had to pull your wallet out and invest adds a layer of motivation to get your monies worth. You only have 30 days, so you can't afford to half ass this.
-If you kick ass and follow our plan and have one of the best transformations you can win a lot of cash!
-Each day you are going to get a motivational email from Vince helping you win the mental game to stay motivated throughout this 30 day process!
(Fact: Nothing will get you in shape faster than a custom plan built by a pro and having access to that coach. It doesn't get better than that)
Look, I get it, I may sound like a broken record here. I know I've mentioned how powerful getting a custom plan tailored just to you is, but it's that big of a deal.
It's like the difference of you buying a suit off the rack that 'kinda' fits, vs having a world class tailor custom measure and cut the perfect fitting suit for you.
Custom plans cut your transformation time in at least half if not more.
FACT: Cookie cutter one size fits all plans are a recipe for hitting frustrating plateaus.
When you have your own world class coach make you a customized plan, watch and track your progress, and quickly make precise adjustments to your diet and training when needed..... you've simply never seen anything like it.
You will see transformations in 30 days that take most people 90! If you don't believe me, keep reading. You'll see the results from past contestants and their 30 day results will show you what's possible when you go custom.
You also can't imagine the motivation and accountability you feel inside when you know you have a veteran coach who knows exactly what you need to do in your corner. Being able to reach out to your coach with any questions, removes all frustration, removes all guessing, and keeps you smashing through potential plateaus before they even arise.
You will fill out a questionnaire where we obtain all the information we need to know about you in order to provide you with your customized meal and training plan. We will tell you exactly what to eat, when to eat, and how much to eat. Also, we will tell you what days to workout, what exercises to do at the gym, how many sets, how many reps, how much rest, etc.
As a hidden bonus, you will also receive our supplement guide that explains the five best supplements for gaining weight and five best supplements for losing weight. This guide explains why these specific supplements work, putting an end to all confusion and also, saving you quite a bit of money on supplements that don't work. Not to mention, your coach will give you all the supplementation advice you'll ever need.
As we all know, the hardest muscle to train is the one between your ears. Therefore, every single day, you will receive an email from Vince, helping you stay motivated and giving you tips to carry on through the tough times.
In addition to the daily emails from Vince, you will also be having weekly check-ins and question days with your 1 on 1 trainer. The most beneficial part about this, besides answering your questions and avoiding any confusions, is the accountability factor. Studies have shown that when people have a coach or mentor checking in on them, they see the task through to the end almost 50% more. So this proves to be one of the most impactful features of these challenges.
In addition to the weekly check-ins, we will also be having weekly adjustments IF they are needed. These can be to your diet and/or to your training. Reason being is that we do not believe in plateaus. They should be avoided at all costs and we know what to look for and what to recommend to avoid them. So do not worry. You are in good hands. :)
Vince will be hosting a private Facebook group that only challenge contestants will have access to and he will also be live streaming once a week to connect with you all and answer any additional questions you might have. Not to mention, you will have a community of like-minded people to help push each other.
As if transforming your body isn't already rewarding enough, you are also given the opportunity to walk away with thousands of dollars. You follow what we provide you with, you get results, and you possibly win money. Doesn't get much better than that lol.
I always felt stuck where I was physically. I needed something to help break through to my body. After completing the 30 day challenge I realized there were key parts missing from my diet and workouts!
My frustrations was mostly with my diet. I would send hours trying to calculate my macros. Then I would get so frustrated with it that I would eventually give up and just eat whatever I wanted. Having everything mapped out for the entire week made things so much easier!
I liked the private group Facebook chat. It helped keep me motivated and it felt like we were all going through things together. My favorite parts were the "live" sessions with Vince. It allowed me to ask questions to things I always wondered about.
The challenge helped me to better plan my meals. I didn't think it would be possible to eat as much as I should with such a busy work schedule, but by planning out my meals I totally made it work.
The program has a great support community: with the Facebook group, emails with Alex, and live sessions with Vince. The diet plan makes things very easy on figuring out exactly what you should be eating. It isn't easy but it definitely works!
This challenge was a real blessing. Since I started the challenge, every aspect in my life changed. My self esteem increased from 1 to 10. It helped me prove myself that I'm capable of anything. If you believe in yourself and have some discipline and consistency, results will appear by its own. Its just a matter of getting the best out of all the situations no matter what obstacles present in your way.
THIS IS THE BEST THING I’VE EVER DONE IN MY LIFE. It literally transformed me, both mentally and physically. Stop waisting your money, if you want real results, V Shred is the answer. What else could I ask for? This challenge really changed my whole life!
This challenge was amazing for many different reasons. First off, it worked very well for me. The amount of help and commitment from the staff made it worth the money spent because of the well laid out meal plan and program. But my absolute favorite part of this challenge was that it has laid a foundation for my future.
I have already recommended this challenge to others and have told them that, not only is it worth the money for real results, but the knowledge you walk away with after is life changing. You also get tons of support and the staff goes above and beyond to make sure you are getting results. My end result was more than I had hoped to achieve in a month. I didn't think it was possible to be able to shred this fat as quickly as I did. Thank you V Shred Team.
My absolute favorite part was the personal knowledge and what I got out of the challenge. I'm stronger person both physically and mentally. I now myself better. I cleared out my WHY and figure out how to uphold them. I learned to fail and get back up again. I learned to fail and push myself not to fail again. I learned to choose and to say no. Lost inches in around my waist. Gain size in arms, chest and legs. There are abs to see! I feel a lot stronger mentally and physically and I look better!
I've been struggling with myself forever. I have never been coached, everything I've ever done has been through trying to figure it out by myself. The results are obvious, simply nothing. It's like hitting your head in a wall, doesn't really get the work done. I was feeling hopeless, all this training and no results.
One day I was doing my research on-line, searching for advise and tips on working my abs and arms. I found Vince’s tutorials and amazing ab workouts. I was hooked immediately.
I went through all the videos and saw instant results at the gym. As Vince introduced a one month contest, with a full meal/workout regime, I didn't hesitate for one moment. I knew this was for me, this was what I needed to get me to the next level.
Read MoreI'm the kind of guy who has the willpower to do anything, all I need is a blueprint and I'll follow it, no questions asked. That is exactly why I jumped on this chance to not only change my workouts but also my entire way of life.
I was so surprised on how everything played out. I simply loved the unity we had in the Facebook group. It was a huge support seeing others struggle with the same problems as me and with the help of everyone else, empowering through!
I thought that the V Shred crew would just lay back and watch as we struggle, but WOAH was I wrong. Continuous support and motivational comments on the posts, advice, tips and just with their presence making this an awesome journey.
Even though this was a "contest", it felt more like a team effort. We started this as individuals from all across the globe, but pretty fast formed a tight team which left no one behind. Even though everyone had to do the workouts them self, at least for me it felt like everyone was with me at the gym. Like I had a whole team behind me, cheering and shouting to hit that last rep.
This challenge not only helped me, but it changed me. A cliché, but this contest changed my life. I learned so much in this short amount of time and I found motivation and power from within that I didn't even know existed. I have information and knowledge that I can use to keep on going with this amazing way of life. I am stronger, not only physically but mentally also. I went through this and got myself going, now it's easy to just keep on pushing through the roof and in to the stars.
I would simply ask them if they wanna change their life in one month. I would say, give them everything for one month and you will achieve something you thought was impossible. In one short month, you will find out a whole new side of yourself. You will be able to test yourself in a way you have probably never been tested. Sure there is a cash prize at the end for you to fight for, but that money will last for how long? A week? A month? Changing the way you think will last forever. The knowledge you take with you is priceless.
Not only am I surprised of my results, but people around me notice the difference as well. Not only do I look different, I feel different. I feel much more confident, I feel stronger, I feel much more energized, I feel like I've won. Now I look at myself through the mirror with pride. I can hold my head up high and be proud of myself. I have achieved results that not only show in the scale, but also in my everyday life. In one month I've learned more about eating healthy and working out correctly, than I have all my life.
Less MoreI chose this challenge just because it intrigued me and you all look like you knew what you were doing doing a contest was motivation for me to continue with the weight loss which is my main goal weight loss.
What really impressed me about the challenge was the way everybody helped each other that was awesome also the meals were incredible I thought I would be hungry and I was never hungry throughout the challenge.
My end result really surprised me going into this I was wearing a size 42 pants and the third week I've slipped into 36 inch waist pants it was incredible.
I find I work well when I have an investment. I invested money and told others that I was doing it. This gave me great motivation not to waste my money and let others down.
The Facebook group for me was the best part. Sure I got an eating plan and an exercising plan but the personal interaction's with others and seeing their struggles were like mine kept me going at times. You will learn things about yourself that you did not know.
I went cold turkey from sugar and coffee. The fact that I could do this was amazing. I loved sugar in my coffee with milk. I realized that flavor can be achieved without sugar. something I hope to take with me for a long time. My family of 6 went through a lot less junk food food while I was on this and I intend to make this a permanent part of our household.
Willpower, focus, determination and a better feeling about yourself. I mean how can you feel bad about yourself when you eat well and exercise well.
I was starting to get unhappy with my body and I wanted to start feeling better about myself and have a better lifestyle. I kept seeing V Shred on Facebook and it really interested me so I gave it a shot and couldn't be happier. The contest helped me realize how much I can achieve in only 1 month and I'm going to keep it up.
I chose this challenge because I was at a point in my life that I needed to prove to myself that if I put my mind to something I can accomplish it. I always wanted a tone body but I never thought that I could ever stick to one plan so I convinced myself that I could do it on my own. So I just kept spinning my wheels at the gym never getting the results I wanted. I saw an add on Facebook for the challenge and I liked what Vince had to say so I joined.
I loved the workouts they were new and exciting to me gave me motivation to get to the gym. I really liked the Facebook group sharing our struggles and gains it was so great to see so many people come together to support one another.
If your serious about getting in shape and changing your lifestyle this challenge is for you. My end result is not only did I achieve a transformed body but my life as well. It is a total life style and this challenge transformed both for me.
I am loving this diet and training regimen. Feel great. Feel slimmer. Pretty exciting. Actually look forward to meal prepping.
I want to first thank Vince , Alex, Nick, and the rest of the V Shred Shred team for providing this opportunity to get my ass in gear. The interaction, FB Live Q & A, the quick response to questions, the education has exceeded all of my expectations.
I’m 48 years old and father of a 3 years all daughter. Last year I was playing with her and noticed that I was tired after a few minutes of playing. I started dieting because I was obese but the diets didn't work right.
I love the feedback with Alex and in the Facebook group. And my favorite part was the training. I love it! When I started the challenge my BMI was 28,7, my Muscles Mass was 37,7 and my Fat Mass was 23,5. Now at the end of the challenge, my BMI is 27,5, my Muscles Mass 37,8 and my Fat Mass 19,8.
The most important transformation was in my mind. Knowing that I can accomplish the goals I put to myself and starting to be a good role model to my daughter is the best and my why. Thank you very much! I love you guys!
I joined the challenge to make a change to my life and to begin a new lifestyle. I was sick and tired of always making excuses why I can't workout and/or eat right and I was tired of being unhappy with the way I looked. The first couple of weeks are challenging but every week gets easier as you learn how to incorporate these new habits into your daily/weekly routines. I have more energy, feel great and look forward to what I can accomplish next. Overall, I am very happy with my results.
I had been working out on and off for a solid 3 years at this point. I never really took the eating portion too seriously - just because I am naturally a skinny guy. I enjoyed my McDonalds and Pizza regularly.... also chocolate and Coke. I really enjoyed going to the gym as my physical activity and fun. I liked where it was headed but I thought if I was going to continue putting in the time/effort, I should take it more seriously - eating right and following a workout plan (tracking results/weights). Mentally I had gotten to the point where I was asking myself, why waste your time if you're not seeing the changes you want to see?
Best part of the challenge was realizing I can handle my temptations. I didn't need to reward myself with burgers or chocolate for doing small tasks. I enjoyed the outcome, the results and the mental feeling of achieving that days goals. No need for a junk food reward.
Read MoreFavorite part was the meal plan. It legit was not bad, totally foods and portions I enjoyed. I definitely will stick with it.
I also liked tracking my weights... I tracked them every day and would also try to up them to failure.
I liked eating healthy. I liked going to bed early. I loved being level headed and not going out and drinking on weekends all the time. I have more clarity in my day to day routine because I have a goal and I want to succeed. Goals are key!
I have a plan, a goal and a desire to continue working hard. I can see some abs! They're coming through!
Less MoreMan did I feel supported. From all of the awesome new friends in the Facebook group to the daily emails to our weekly check-ins, there was ALWAYS someone to share/converse with. I even remember waking up on the third Sunday and was so pumped to share my progress with Alex that i couldn't wait for his weekly check in email to come on Monday and just sent him an email first lol.
I loved the meal plan and workout guides with all our daily intakes/workouts and how easy it was to understand. Also, I just have to say how much i LOVE to eat so actually learning to eat six times a day might have just been my favorite part. For the sake of not repeating myself, I can sum it up with knowledge and motivation. It gave me the information to create more daily energy which then produced more positivity and then stirred new ideas when it comes to my business and i couldn't be more grateful for that. I will also forever do HIIT because that type of cardio is seriously a LIFE CHANGER
Read MoreSomething that often frustrates me with society nowadays is people's inability to accept the fact that if they don't like something, whether it be their job or their body, they are completely capable of changing it. That being said regarding their body, I would tell them the V Shred is the PERFECT way to change it. With all of the work done for you behind the scenes, the only real effort you have to put in is grocery shopping, cooking, cleaning, and working out. Three of which you would have to do ANYWAYS
Along with the meal/workout plan, there are people willing to help you here and actually show a substantial amount of care for your questions and concerns which is equally as important. For the money some spend going out a few times a week, its absolutely worth it to invest in yourself with V Shred instead. My end result/transformation was exactly what i wanted to get out of this 30 day challenge. And considering I lost 7 pounds and dropped from 17% to 12% body fat, i couldn't be more happier.
Less MoreI’ve chosen the 30 day challenge because I was pretty unhappy with my body. I had love handles, fat legs and cellulite all over them. I didn't have the courage to wear a pair of shorts in public or bikini on the beach. This challenge had the perfect timing to me not too long to make me think it would be impossible to deal with or too short to make me think it would never work. So, gladly I decided to give it a try.
I liked the support I had from the entire V Shred team a long with my new Facebook friends. The group create to assist us felt much more like friends supporting each other than just people in a competition by far my favorite part was the wonderful meal plan and training plan. That was what made me realize how bad I was eating and how important is to have knowledge while you are training.
Read MoreThis challenge brought back my confidence. I feel like from now on I can take up any challenge in every aspect of my life and never quit.
If you are unhappy with way you look you should do something about it. And in my opinion the V Shred 30day challenge is perfect because it's customized for you , they give you all the support you need not only while I'm the challenge but also afterwards and it's only 30 days. Why don't give your self a chance to change what you dislike about your body. I’m the happiest woman alive!
Less More(Give us 30 days & we'll change your life)
Go ahead and click on the link below so we can get started today…
YES Vince! I’m Serious! I Want Personal Coaching and Customized Diet and Training Plans to Accelerate My Results. Let’s Get Started Today!...
If you do intend to take advantage of this opportunity, I urge you to ACT NOW…
I wanted to create a product that gave people a customized program that was affordable and gave them maximum leverage so they could see incredible results in just 30 days. I know that when people see results in the mirror fast, they make big changes long term.
This program was designed to set a new tone for you. I'm going to show you exactly what to do with your diet and training and how to get results fast.
I know if you do this 30 day program and see the changes we promise in the mirror, you'll be hooked. I know you'll be a V Shred client long term once you see what you are capable of in just 30 days.
Most people are so blown away by their 30 day transformation that they end up signing up for one of our long term custom plans.
Making a custom plan for each contestant and giving them personal attention throughout the 30 days takes a lot of time. Because we want to make sure everyone gets maximum personal attention and the best results possible, we limit each contest to a certain amount of spots.
Once they sell out, that's it! So if you are interested in joining this 30 day challenge you should take action and sign up now, because they sell out fast.
I would also take advantage of today's early bird low price. We won't be offering this discount price much longer.
We recently created a program called 'V Shred University' where I post a ton of advanced content that I don't post anywhere else. I update it all the time and we have private Facebook live calls where I answer the groups questions.
It's full of how to videos on diet, fitness, and cardio. I update it monthly with a new workout and diet plan based on your specific body type and goals. It's also full of recipes and meal prep videos.
V Shred University is going to be your secret weapon for long term success after you finish your 30 day contest, and as a gift for signing up to this 30 day transformation contest, I'm going to give you a month for FREE!
If you are down this far on the page, you are for interested in changing how your body looks. If that's true, then this 30 transformation contest is a no brainer. I've jam packed this thing so much value and every possible thing you need to succeed.
If you follow everything in this program and give us your best effort, I promise I'll change your life in 30 short days.
I want you to close your eyes and picture how amazing you will feel after finishing this 30 day contest after adding muscle and shredding fat.
You are going to kick yourself if you put this off any longer, especially when the before and after pics come rolling in and you see how awesome everyone looks... and you think, 'Damn. That should have been me. 30 days is nothing, I could have done that!'
Don't be that guy or girl. If you are hungry for a change, dive in and crush this thing and get the body you want.
At this price, this program is a steal. We are going to drag you kicking and screaming to a new you. You can't lose.
''I'm ready for you to design a CUSTOM 30 day diet and training plan specific to me and my goals so I get the absolute fastest results humanly possible.''
''I'm ready for you to make it impossible for me to fail by motivating me and guiding me with daily emails, weekly check in's and adjustments to my plan with my own trainer! Give me the accountability I need.... make it impossible for me to fail.''
''I'm ready for you to invite me to a private Facebook group where I can get motivation, ask questions, and watch the Facebook live streams each week!''