Let Me Guess: some trainer at the gym told you that all you have to do to build the perfect butt is a ton of Squats and Lunges.
Unfortunately, this is how most women end up frustrated with their lack of results. They Squat and Lunge till they’re ready to fall over, yet they still end up with a flat, fat, droopy, or saddle-bagged butt.
Sure, Squats and Lunges are good movements. But, they only work a fraction of the muscles you must target to finally have your dream booty.
That’s why most “Butt Workouts” you see in women’s magazines, or in fitness books, fail miserably. Frankly, they’re written by people who don’t understand anatomy and physiology.
Want to know the worst part?
Weak glutes (the muscles that make up your butt) slam the breaks on your leg, back, waist, and total body development.
That’s right, if you continue to train your glutes incorrectly, your butt will literally hold you back from getting your dream body.
If you’ve been burned by terrible “butt workouts” in the past, don’t worry. In this guide, you’re going to learn how to work all three muscles in your glutes for maximum booty-building.
Plus, this method will not only build your butt, but will also give you a set of traffic-stopping legs & help you develop killer curves.

But, that’s not all…
In fact, the follow-along workouts (and priceless diet hacks) in the Booty Builder Program will also help you:
- Build a strong, sexy, pain-free back
- Shape your thighs
- Give cellulite the boot for good
- Sculpt amazing calves
- Give you a fantastic hip-to-waist ratio (aka, jaw-dropping curves)
There is, however, one small catch…
You have to actually follow the program.
That might seem obvious, but studies show that 78% of people who buy exercise and diet programs never actually do them.
Think about it… I’m sure you know a ton of people who are extremely knowledgeable about diet, yet are horribly out of shape.
Ya know why?
They’re part of that 78% who read the books but never apply the info.
Don’t be part of that group anymore! Even if you hate going to the gym, this program will work for you.
Because all you have to do is follow along with the Booty Builder workouts, apply the diet hacks, and in a few short weeks, you’ll finally have a butt you’ll be proud to show off.
By the way, if you hate going to the gym, I have great news for you:
You can do many of the Booty Builder workouts at home
Awesome right? You can start sculpting your legs and butt right in the comfort of your own home with minimal equipment.
What About Your Cellulite?
I get a ton of emails from women every day seeking diet and training advice. Many of these women ask me how to reshape, build, or shrink their booties while also reducing the size of their waist.
However, nearly 99% of the women who email me want to learn the “Secret” of how to get rid of cellulite.
Crazy, right? Almost every woman is fighting this problem.
Thin, thick, fat, athletic, and petite… doesn’t matter what body type they have, cellulite affects all of them.
Chances are, if you’re reading this, you’re also cursed with seemingly incurable cellulite.
You’ve probably tried every diet, suffered through every fad workout, and blown a pile of cash on “secret” potions, pills, and creams.

They all failed you, right?
Don’t worry, the Booty Builder Program was designed 100% for women like you who want to have it all:
- A flat, tight belly
- Eye-popping curves
- Toned thighs
- A round, firm, perfect butt
- Cellulite-free legs you can proudly display at the beach, by the pool, and in the bedroom
If you’re ready to transform your entire body while rapidly reshaping and building your dream booty, the Booty Builder Program is guaranteed to give you rapid, head-turning results.
In the Booty Builder Program, You’ll Discover:
Why Squats and Lunges are NOT enough to give you the perfect butt
(once you learn the fool-proof multi-plane approach, you’ll be shocked at your results)
The 3-Muscles that make up your booty
(and why you MUST target all three if you want fast results)
5-Key Lifestyle Factors that are guaranteed to help you build a perfectly-shaped rear
(plus, these factors will help beautify your entire body… especially your skin)
Complete Cellulite Destruction
(Quickly, Easily, and Naturally)

- Why a whopping 90% of women suffer from cellulite (and why 99% of them will NEVER fix the problem)
- 12 Foods you MUST eat to beat cellulite (don’t worry, they’re all natural, available in any supermarket, and are delicious)
- Why starvation diets make your cellulite worse (starving yourself actually FEEDS cellulite)
- How to rapidly rebuild all 5-layers of your skin (want to destroy cellulite forever? You MUST follow these steps for rebuilding all 5-layers)
- Why you must rebuild your collagen and elastin if you want to defeat cellulite (how you can easily rebuild these key skin cells naturally)
- 4-Super skin saving hacks that iron out the wrinkles caused by cellulite (guess what, they have nothing to do with exotic, expensive creams, pills, or potions
- Why, and how, you must work out to get rid of cellulite (how opening your blood cells through exercises will feed your body the nutrients it needs to slash cellulite)
- How one nasty habit could be filling your legs with ugly, clumpy cellulite (learn how to kill this habit, banish cellulite, and make your skin radiant)
The Three-Pronged Attack to Having Stunning Curves and a Perfectly Shaped Booty
- The exact sets, reps, and exercises you must do to build all 3 muscles in your glutes (this is the fastest, easiest way to get gorgeous legs and a perfect butt)
- 9-Little known, killer Hip exercises that develop stunning curves (these hip exercises sculpt your hamstrings, quads, hips, and glutes like no other yet 99% of training programs completely ignore them)
- The 3-Essential training speeds (how varying your tempo rapidly develops the exact type of muscle you need to build the perfect bubble butt)
- How to target your fast-twitch muscle fibers (this type of muscle makes up ⅓ of your butt - if you neglect this, you’ll never have the perfect booty)
- The secret Glute-Activation Circuit that will shock your glutes into action (wanna build the classic “Brazilian” butt - sexy and round? This circuit will get you there, fast)
- Why you can’t spot reduce fat, but you CAN spot-build muscle (want to burn fat fast? Build muscle in the precise places your body needs it to blow-torch your lower body fat)
- Flat butt? (learn the exact methods you must use to finally have a round, firm, hard booty)
- 7-Squat variations used by athletes to build powerful, sexy, svelte butts (build a gorgeous, athletic lower body with the little-known Squat variations you can do at home with zero equipment)

The Anti-Cardio Solution to Dropping a Vat of Molten Lava on Your Body Fat While Sculpting Your Ideal Booty
- Sick of battling to fix your sagging, low-hanging butt? (this brief, intense cardio method was borrowed from elite athletes and it’s exactly what you need to lift, firm, and tighten your glutes)
- How to calculate your Ideal Heart Rate Zone to blow-torch body fat (if you want to reshape your butt, you have to shred lower body fat… this is where 80% of women fail when trying to build stunning legs and a perfect butt)
- How training on the beach can revolutionize your lower body (this simple trick acts like a butt-lift, without the painful, dangerous surgery)
- How to easily burn calories for up to 48-hours after every workout (keep your body in fat-melt mode around the clock)
- Why 15-minutes is all you need to shape, lift, and build your booty (think it takes long, boring cardio workouts to build the butt you’ve always wanted? Think again - this guide gives you 15-minute workouts that both burn fat and build lean, sexy muscle in your glutes)
How You Can Gain Exclusive Access to the Program Guaranteed to Build Your Ideal Butt
Normally, to build your booty while finally ridding your legs and butt of ugly cellulite would cost thousands.
You’d have to hire an elite trainer to help you, and that’s not cheap. When I had the time and was still training women, I charged $500 per hour.
I’d hate for price to be a limiting factor for you to achieve your dreams, so I condensed my expertise into the Booty Builder program.
To make it affordable for all, I was advised to charge $97.
A great bargain for finally having a perfect butt, right?
However, I wanted to help as many women as possible, so I ignored my advisors and priced the Booty Builder program at only $47.
Although that’s a great deal, I want to give you an ever better offer.
If you act right now, you can claim your copy of the Booty Builder Program for only $34.95

The catch?
You have to act now. The price returns to normal in a few days. Please, don’t miss this opportunity to build smooth, shapely legs, stunning curves, and the round, firm butt you’ve always dreamed of having:
purchase the booty builder normally $47.00, today only $34.95
Look, you can continue to follow “free” butt building programs you find online, or in the pages of women’s magazines. However, let’s be honest… you’ve tried that a million times, and it never works.
Sure, you get sore for a few days. You’re excited that you’re finally on the right path to building the butt and legs you’ve always dreamed of…
Then, that free program fails you miserably.
If you want, fast, proven, guaranteed results, please invest in yourself, your body, and your health today.

Your results are guaranteed or your money back! I personally guarantee the results of all my products and programs, and my custom services are no exception. If at the end of your custom diet plan you are not happy with your results we will refund you NO QUESTIONS ASKED. All you have to do is send us an email with your request.
Don’t you deserve to finally have the body, and butt, you can be proud to show off at the beach or by the pool?
Wouldn’t it be great to get your ideal booty with easy-to-follow workouts that can be done at home?
How awesome will it be to be able to eat delicious healthy food that will team up with your butt builder workouts to send your cellulite packing forever?
Do yourself a huge favor and check out the Booty Builder Program today - you’ll save a ton of money if you act now, and your results are guaranteed.

It’s zero risk, and ALL gain for you:
purchase the booty builder normally $47.00, today only $34.95