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Quick Chicken And Veggies Stir-Fry

If you’re looking for an easy stir-fry recipe, try making this chicken and veggies stir-fry. Some meat and veggie stir-fry dishes can be high in sodium because of the hoisin, oyster, or soy sauce in the dish.

This healthy stir-fry recipe uses only herb seasonings to add flavor to your dish. Read on to find out how to cook this delicious and healthy chicken meal!

Healthy Chicken and Veggies Stir-Fry



Step 1: Clean and Cut Chicken

Clean up the chicken before you start. Wash it and cut off any unwanted fats, then cut the chicken breasts into half-inch-thick slices.

You may also lightly season the chicken with some salt and pepper before you prepare the vegetables.

Step 2: Prepare the Vegetables

Wash all of the vegetables and then cut them into small pieces. The broccoli needs to be sliced into bite-sized florets, the zucchini into small slices, and the bell pepper and yellow onion into half-inch-thick slices.

You should also mince or crush the garlic cloves before you start cooking.

Step 3: Stir-Fry the Chicken and Veggies

Heat the oil in a large skillet under medium to high heat. Then add the chicken, veggies, garlic, and spices. Cook for about 10 minutes, stirring occasionally until the veggies are soft and tender and the chicken cooked through.

Step 4: Season to Taste

Taste the vegetables to find out if there’s enough seasoning. Season the dish to your taste before serving. You may also try experimenting by adding low-sodium soy sauce to make it taste more authentic.

Step 5: Serve and Enjoy!

Serve and Enjoy! | Quick Chicken And Veggies Stir-Fry | Healthy chicken vegetable stir fry

Serve this delicious chicken and veggies stir-fry with rice or pasta and eat it as a low-carb meal! You may also set aside some leftovers and pack them into meal prep containers for the next day.

Check out this video for the quick chicken and veggies stir-fry recipe:

This chicken and veggies stir-fry is great for any low-sodium workout diet. The herb seasonings sprinkled over the chicken and vegetables give the dish a strong flavor without using sauces that are high in sodium, while the chicken helps you reach your daily protein intake. So give this healthy recipe a try next time you crave Chinese food!

Trying to find more healthy recipes like these? Want to easily cook delicious food that was designed by a professional chef without cooking or prepping for an hour straight? Our Recipe Guide offers dozens of delicious and healthy recipes that only take 20-30 minutes MAXIMUM to make and will change your life for the better almost instantly! You can get our recipe guide and a lifetime of 5-star recipes for the price of a meal at a restaurant TODAY by clicking this link!

Do you have your own way of cooking chicken and veggies stir-fry? Share them in the comments section below!

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