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Workout Plan To Burn Off Those Thanksgiving Calories (Thanksgiving Day Workout Plan)

Feature | Workout Plan To Burn Off Those Thanksgiving Calories (Thanksgiving Day Workout Plan)

Try this no-equipment workout plan to shed the fat from Thanksgiving’s feast.

Complete Thanksgiving Day No-Equipment Workout Plan


Step 1: Warm Up Your Muscles

After a night of heavy eating and drinking, you’re bound to feel too lazy to move. But that’s nothing a little dynamic warm-up activity can’t fix.

First, jog in place for a few seconds to get your heart rate up. Next, do some jumping jacks for one minute. Then cap it off with some 45-second vertical jumps.

Do these three exercises three times before moving on to the workout. This will help warm your body up to prevent injuries and ensure peak athletic performance.

After warming up, take a few seconds to catch your breath. You’ll perform the next seven exercises continuously without resting.

Step 2: Drop Some Squats

Reps: 15 to 30

The bodyweight squat is a great full-body workout that targets your quads and glutes. During this exercise, remember to distribute your bodyweight evenly to your heels.

Stand upright with your feet shoulder-width apart and arms straight in front of you. Push your butt back then lower your torso until your knees are parallel to the floor.

Squeeze your glutes for half a count then push your body back up by driving your heels to the ground. This counts as one rep.

Step 3: Bust Out Some Push-Ups

Reps: 15 to 30

Push-ups are great exercises that promote overall upper body strength. They mainly work your pecs.

Go down to a full plank position. Place your hands slightly wider than your shoulders’ width. This will be your starting position.

Keeping your back straight, lower your body until your chest is only one to two inches away from the floor. Drive your hands to the ground to push your body back up. This counts as one rep.

Step 4: Lunge Your Way to Better Legs

Reps: 15 to 30 each leg

Doing lunges is a great way to blast thigh fat and replace it with strong, lean leg muscles. Plus, it’ll help shape your butt.

First, stand upright with your feet hip-width apart, arms at the sides, and eyes locked forward. Take a step forward with your left foot then bend both knees to lower your body.

Your right leg should almost touch the ground and your left knee should bend at 90 degrees. Push your body back up. This counts as one rep.

After one set, do it all over again with your other leg.

Step 5: Balance Your Body With Single-Leg Deadlifts

Reps: 15 to 30

Doing this full body workout without weights is a solid way to exercise your leg muscles and abdominal stabilizer muscles at the same time.

Stand upright with your feet together and arms at the sides. Pull your left leg up behind you and balance yourself. This will be your starting position.

Lower your body by bending your right knee until your right hand touches the ground. Lift your body back up by driving your heel to the floor.

This counts as one rep. Perform 15 to 30 reps then do the same with your other leg.

Step 6: Do the Shoulder Sculptor for Lean Arms

Reps: 15 to 30

The shoulder sculptor is an isolation exercise that targets your deltoids.

Stand upright and lift your arms straight in front of you parallel to the floor.

Next, pull your arms to the sides and bend your elbows at a 90-degree angle, about the same level as the top of your head.

From here, push your hands up toward the sky. This counts as one rep. Repeat everything in reverse.

Tip: To make this more challenging, use two cans of soups as your dumbbells. Make sure the two cans have the same weight.

Step 7: Wall Sits for Stronger Legs

Reps: Hold for 1 minute

A great way to squat heavier is to strengthen your leg muscles through other exercises.

Wall sits are like planks for your leg muscles. You won’t be able to last long if you have a weak core and lower body.

Go into a squat position with your back pressing against the wall. Make sure your thighs are parallel to the floor. Hold this position for one minute.

Step 8: Strengthen Your Triceps With Chair Dips

Reps: 15 to 30

The last exercise in our Thanksgiving Day workout circuit is the triceps chair dip. They’re essential to building solid, lean arms.

Sit on the floor with a chair behind you. Lift your body up a bit then grab the edge of the chair with both your hands.

Extend your legs balancing yourself on your heels. Lift your body up by straightening your arms. This will be your starting position.

Lower your body by bending your elbows until they hit 90 degrees. Push down on the chair to lift your body back up to the starting position. This counts as one rep.

Step 9: Active Rest

After this, take three minutes of active rest –light jogging or brisk walking. Aim to go through the circuit three to four times.

Let this infographic be your guide. Download it now and use it as a reference later.

Watch the video below for another fat burning workout that doesn’t require equipment:

This is just a simple Thanksgiving no-equipment workout plan for you to do. You can perform this routine the morning after Thanksgiving.

Feel free to use this circuit training program anytime you want. It’s a quick full body workout at home you can do anytime to get a tighter, leaner body.

Would you try out this Thanksgiving Day no-equipment workout plan? Share your thoughts with us in the comments section below!

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