V Shred

V Shred Review: Restaurant Owner Leo Loses 70+ Pounds

Leo Shares His Inspiring 70+ Pound V Shred Review & Transformation Story 

“Having the coach changed my whole world. I haven’t been able to lose this much weight ever.” Leo – V Shred Client

“When I took that picture, I was 211 pounds. Picture on the left when I was overweight, I was 270 pounds. My goal is to lose about 90 pounds, and I’ve lost almost 70 already.”

Before Leo started the V Shred program, he was heavy, lethargic, and lost. He wanted to lose weight but, like many people, didn’t know what would really work for fat loss at his age.

“I think my main problem was I didn’t have any guidance, anyone to kind of put me in the direction of or one, accountability and two a guideline or roadmap of if you want to accomplish weight-loss you need to do this, this, and this,” says Leo.

Leo scrolled past V Shred advertisements that popped up on Facebook for almost a year. A lot of people had been talking about V Shred, and one day, he decided to click and see what the programs are all about.

“I just wanted to give it a shot and see how it went, and it changed my life,” says Leo.

Leo is the owner, general manager, and executive chef of a restaurant. You would think food choices would have been his biggest struggle when adapting to his new healthy lifestyle – especially considering that is how he put on additional weight.

“I can eat whatever I want for free, you know? I can eat fried chicken, I can eat grits, I can eat burgers, I can eat anything, you know? That’s how I gained so much weight because I was eating and drinking everything in sight during the pandemic. Because one, we, we were slow. There was nothing going on, so I just filled my time with eating and drinking, you know? So that’s what you saw in my belly was all that restaurant food and lots of wine,” laughs Leo.”

Having those food temptations in front of him all the time was no doubt a challenge, but Leo says it was actually learning how to be consistent with workouts that was the hardest part for him, that is until he got going. Leo says he was thrilled to discover Fat Loss Extreme For Men was much less time-consuming than he anticipated.

“I feel like the workouts were very manageable, they weren’t extremely hard, they were easy to follow, weren’t long, it was a very quick workout. Someone like me, I’m always busy, so having a workout that was quick and efficient was super easy.” 

Once he got past that mental hurdle, Leo says he was ALL IN.

“That became easier once the weight started coming off. Once the weight started coming off, I was like, okay, I got this, I can keep doing this,” laughs Leo.

With consistency and a custom meal plan from one of our expert nutritionists came big results. Leo went from an unhealthy and unhappy 270 pounds to a happy and strong 211 pounds and only has 20 pounds to lose before reaching his goal weight.

“What surprised me the most was how quickly everything came off. How quickly the weight just started falling off. It literally changed my whole mood. Back then, I was just lethargic and depressed feeling, and now it’s literally brightened my day that I can look in the mirror and my belly doesn’t hang over my belt anymore.” says Leo.

With his weight loss came something else really cool. Leo found himself flooded with messages in our private client Facebook Group for men who could relate to his struggles and were motivated by his hard work.

“With my weight loss, I can inspire others to make that same journey. Being in the FB group and seeing other people in the same predicament I was in and saw my transformation and message me privately saying I’m going through the same thing, seeing your transformation inspired me to keep going – that is great. That is what has happened since. I am very grateful.”

Leo says the best advice he can give anyone wanting to make a lifestyle change, is just take that first step! Our free body type quiz is an excellent starting point if you want to get started on your own transformation. It’s only a few questions and will tell you your body type and the best way to eat and exercise to reach your goals based on your genetics.

You could also reach out to our team of certified fitness experts and let them help you. Some of our most impressive transformations combine our best-selling programs with a custom meal plan.

Check out more V Shred reviews and transformations here >>

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