V Shred

V Shred Review: “A drunk driver almost took my life, I survived and then transformed my body with V Shred!”

Amy Shares Her Inspiring V Shred Review and Transformation Story During a One-on-One Interview with V Shred Co-Founder, Vince Sant


Amy’s Case Study is the story of Amy’s unique V Shred review and experience with her weight loss and fitness journey.  Her results are uniquely her and this Case Study is a detailed presentation of Amy’s decision making and use of V Shred products and programs. There is no assurance that your personal experience will be similar to hers.

Amy’s V Shred Review – Fat Loss Extreme Program

We love sharing our clients’ transformation stories and V Shred reviews from our customers! Many have lost 50, 75, even 100 plus pounds after doing the V Shred program. So when you see that someone lost 17 pounds, it may not initially sound like very much.

But once you hear Amy’s emotional story — you will understand just how remarkable her transformation is! 

Actually, no matter who you are or what your backstory is, any amount of weight loss is worth celebrating. You shouldn’t base “success” via a number on the scale, and our client Amy is just one example of that! 

We know you will be  inspired by her emotional story of bouncing back after a drunk driver almost took her life and be motivated by how V Shred helped her achieve things she never thought were possible. 

Amy’s Emotional V Shred Review and Transformation Story

You wouldn’t know by looking at her now, but 19 years ago, Amy’s body was so shattered that doctors didn’t think she would live, let alone walk again. 

“In 2002, I was walking down the road and was hit by a drunk driver.  I went to the hospital, and they didn’t know if they would be able to save my life,” says Amy. 

In the blink of an eye, Amy’s life forever changed. She suffered both life-changing and life-threatening injuries.

“My right leg was broken in three places, left leg broken in five. Both ankles were broken. My pelvis was cracked in three places. I was a mess.” 

Before surgeons could even think about saving her legs, Amy had to be rushed into emergency open-heart surgery to repair a torn aorta.

Once doctors successfully repaired her heart, the lengthy process of saving her legs began, but Amy says doctors weren’t optimistic.

“I had two inches of bone gone out of my right leg. So the doctors didn’t think I’d be able to walk,” remembers Amy.

Doctors also told Amy that she wouldn’t be able to have kids. But this remarkable woman beat all odds!

Not only did Amy walk again, she recently completed one of our most challenging workout programs — with her two kids sweating by her side! 

That’s right, despite the doctor’s predictions, Amy not only survived and walked again, but she also had two children who are now ages 15 and 7 and love doing V Shred workouts with her! 

“That is a blessing in itself,” says Amy. 

Amy no doubt has a remarkable survival story, but let’s rewind to before she discovered V Shred and what motivated her to get started on her post-accident health journey.

Being given a second chance at life will undoubtedly make you grateful for your health, but the after-effects of Amy’s injuries limited her physical abilities. Add to that two pregnancies, and it eventually took a toll on Amy’s body. 

“I was very unhappy with myself and what I saw in the mirror every day. I don’t know how severely I was overweight, but I know I was overweight. I would get winded and tired and wouldn’t want to keep up with my son, who is at lightning speed all of the time,” recalls Amy. 

Amy wanted to get in shape, but most workout programs required exercises she wasn’t able to do physically, so she focused on her diet but didn’t have success with any fad she tried. 

I’ve tried every diet that there was. Nothing seemed to work,” says Amy. 

Then her husband stumbled upon V Shred and looked at some V Shred reviews online

Not only did our approach to dieting look different from anything she had tried in the past — the exercise program our free body type quiz suggested was best for her goals and body type was adaptable to her fitness level and could be done from home — without heavy weights or gym equipment! 

“There are so many exercises that I physically can not do. So just being able to pause and put on hold and do half in the morning and half in the evening so I could build up strength and could potentially do the workouts,” says Amy.

Of course, Amy was hesitant but says she thought, “what the heck” and signed up. 

Within days Amy noticed a difference and became a believer! 

“I lost 4.5 pounds. Just seeing that progress, I thought, wow, if I keep this up and keep doing this, I’m going to lose even more, and I have. It’s been such a great experience.”

Amy completed one round of Fat Loss Xtreme and, at the end of 90 days, lost a total of 17 pounds.

“It’s amazing how it takes little effort to actually see progress. I know I wouldn’t be as fit if I didn’t have V Shred because of the ability to make it my own. It has helped. It’s helped so much.” says Amy

But even more significant to Amy than the number on the scale was being able to workout and the knowledge she gained surrounding nutrition and creating a healthy lifestyle..

“I didn’t know how to do my calories. I would just eat whatever. I didn’t understand a calorie deficit to lose weight. That isn’t something anyone knows. Once I figured that out, that was huge,” says Amy. 

With every rep, every set, every breath, Amy is no doubt defying the odds! 

Your struggles and backstory may not be as extreme as Amy’s, but no matter why you’ve found yourself out of shape or staring in the mirror unhappy with your reflection, getting started and not giving up isn’t easy 

Amy says that while she had support from her husband, children, and our coaches and customers in our private Facebook community, at the end of the day, it was up to her to get up every morning and do her workouts and make healthy choices. 

 “Everything is up to you. If you want it hard enough and you work for it, you’re gonna get it.” 

So for anyone reading this, wanting to make a change but hesitant to sign up, the words of encouragement Amy has for you are the same she was given by Coach Jake — one of our team members active in our private client-only online support community. 

“I would use his words because they struck me to the core. This isn’t a 30, 60, 90-day plan. You won’t get there overnight. You have to work for it and want it. If you want lasting success, you have to do something different.” says Amy. 

For Amy, V Shred was her different, and it worked — and she says if you want it bad enough, she knows it will work for you too! 

“Just try it. You won’t be disappointed. You will not,”

If you want to get started on your transformation story, you can begin in the same place Amy did by taking our FREE BODY TYPE QUIZ

It’s only six questions, you get your results instantly and are given the top three things you need to do in terms of diet, cardio, and exercise — to get results faster and easier based on your goals and unique body type! 

A big thanks to Amy for sharing her emotional story! We are so honored that you trust V Shred to help you reach your health and fitness goals and can’t wait to see what’s next for you! Keep crushing it! 


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