V Shred

V Shred Review: “How Conrad lost almost 200 pounds with V Shred”

Conrad’s Case Study is the story of Conrad’s unique experience with V Shred and his weight loss and fitness journey.  His results are uniquely his and this Case Study is a detailed presentation of Conrad’s decision making and use of V Shred products and programs.  There is no assurance that your personal experience will be similar to his.

Conrad Shares His Incredible Transformation Story During a One-on-One Interview with V Shred & Sculpt Nation Co-Founder Vince Sant.


“When I stepped on a scale and saw that I was over 460 pounds, I thought to myself, if I keep on going this way. I’m not going to be here for my boys,” 43-year-old Conrad – V Shred Client.

We always talk about having a very specific WHY if you want to succeed in your health and fitness journey. 

Our V Shred client Conrad knew he needed to lose a significant amount of body fat and keep it off if he wanted to be healthy enough to support his teenagers’ active lifestyles and be around to watch them grow up. 

With that motivating him every day… Conrad went from an unhealthy 400+ pounds to a fit 228 pounds! 

But Conrad’s V Shred transformation isn’t only physical. Once he lost weight, he gained a ton of confidence, started dating, and fell in love!

We know Conrad’s weight-loss journey will inspire you, and his love story will no doubt give you some goosebumps tool!


Before discovering V Shred, 43- year old Conrad can’t remember a time in his life that he didn’t struggle with his weight and failed dieting attempts. 

“Since elementary school, it’s been a challenging roller coaster of trying to find something for myself that’s sustainable,” says Conrad.

In December 2019, Conrad stepped on the scale and saw a frightening number….460 pounds.

He knew that losing weight wasn’t an option. He had to do it. So he started another restrictive diet.

Things started out pretty well. He lost over 20 pounds in two months.

But then history began to repeat itself.

Conrad plateaued and quickly realized that he wasn’t going to be able to keep up with the overly restrictive plan he was following.

It was inevitable. The 20 pounds was going to come back. 

Conrad was about to lose hope, then out of nowhere, V Shred popped up on his Facebook feed. 

“I saw it, and it was a light bulb moment that said, this is it. This was going to be a lifestyle change. You gave me the tools that I needed to succeed, and I was fully on board,” remembers Conrad. 

Conrad signed up for the diet and exercise plan suggested for his body type, and for the first time in his life … he found something that worked!

Thanks to V Shred I get to write the rest of my story in a much more positive way,” exclaims Conrad.

We will tell you exactly how Conrad achieved his results in just a second.

But first, we want to tell you a little more about his back-story because it probably sounds pretty familiar.

Have you ever yo-yo dieted?  You know … lost weight, gained it back, lost it again, gained it back again, plus some extra? 

That was always Conrad’s issue. Sometimes he would only lose a little bit of weight, other times when he would lose a lot.

Either way, the results never lasted very long.

“I have lost 100+ pounds two other times in my life, but I just gained it all back. I tried Keto and other fad diets, but those programs were not sustainable. After I stopped, I craved everything that I couldn’t have, and that’s all I ended up going back to eating,” says Conrad. 

Conrad wasn’t sure what to expect when he saw our advertisement, all he knew was that he needed something different from what he had tried before.

He clicked on the FREE BODY TYPE QUIZ LINK, answered a few quick questions, received his results instantly, and then was given diet and training suggestions based on his genetics.

Conrad says when he read over his personalized suggestions and saw how different it was from anything he had done in the past — he knew V Shred was going to work. 

“When I saw the videos and the quiz that made me learn more about my body type, it made me realize how I needed to do things. This was a lifestyle change. It was something that I could do and get long-term results.”

A sustainable nutrition plan was only one thing about V Shred that appealed to Conrad. He also loved that the training program didn’t require him to step foot in a gym.

“When you’re overweight, you already feel that everyone’s looking at you. But the program gave me the tools I needed to do my workouts in the comfort of my own home, without the added feelings of being in public.” 

Conrad started out with the home version of FAT LOSS XTREME

“I did month one, two, and three at home. Then I repeated month three, four more times. Next, I jumped into the Big Arm program and rotated that program three times. Then at 7 months, I started introducing weights, and so I went back to the Fat Loss Xtreme program, except I did the gym version that time. Once I completed that, I started Ripped In 90 Days and am in my 5th week of that.”

Conrad also went with a CUSTOM DIET. One of our expert trainers created every meal based on Conrad’s specific likes, dislikes, genetics, and goals.

“I didn’t feel like everyone was following the same exact diet that was cookie cutter. It was something tailored to what my body needed and what I enjoyed. I was a very picky eater, and with the custom meal plan, I got to talk to my trainer and let him know my likes and dislikes. I was eating so much food, but I trusted the diet, and week after week, I continued to lose weight,” says Conrad. 

Having a custom diet was no doubt key in helping Conrad achieve lasting results. 

But more than just handing him a diet, Conrad’s coach also taught him WHY he needed to focus on proper nutrition.

Conrad learned about tracking macros, how certain foods impact his body differently than others, the importance of making better food choices, but also how to eat the foods he enjoys without ruining his weight-loss goals. 

It blew me away on what could be accomplished by proper dieting. It is the first program that I’ve ever been part of that I feel is truly for the rest of my life,” says Conrad.  

Dieting was actually the easiest part for Conrad. Even with step-by-step guidance, a clear why, and the determination needed to change, he says there were still many days he struggled in the gym. 

“The hardest part was realizing and accepting how out of shape I was and being real with myself of what exercises I could do and which ones I couldn’t do. I couldn’t even do a push-up when I started, and I had a very tough time just getting up off the ground between supersets. Mentally I was there, I was determined, and I knew it was time. Nothing was stopping me. But realizing where I was and being true to myself and admitting where I was, was probably the hardest part.”

But eventually, even those mental challenges became Conrad’s biggest motivators!

“You all taught me that it was okay to modify exercises. So I did modified push-ups and planks for a while, but now I can do them fully elevated. Small successes like that really motivated me.”

Losing almost 200 pounds, 22 pant sizes, and 20% body fat is no doubt something Conrad is proud of, but what he LOST isn’t anything compared to what he says he has GAINED.

Conrad says he now has …

Confidence that even gave him the courage to date again and reconnect with an old crush!

“I met Angela eight years ago, and we went on a first date. We had a great time, but we never went out again. The timing wasn’t right. I needed to love myself and be happy with myself if I wanted to have a long-lasting, sustainable relationship. Once I was finally in a good spot, I couldn’t get her out of my mind. So I sent her a Facebook message. We started texting and finally set up our first date again.”

That first date was actually a workout! Talk about starting out right!! Now, months later, Conrad and Angela are in a committed relationship, and V Shred workouts are an important part of their daily routine as a couple! 

“I never knew what it was like to be in love. I always knew I wanted somebody to make me a better person. Angela has supported me and motivated me through my journey. She makes me a better person across the board.”

Conrad says he will forever be grateful he clicked on that Facebook ad for V Shred and took our Body Type Quiz.

He says that finding love is just icing on the cake! There are many things that stand out as the game-changers that helped him lose weight and keep it off.

When it comes to that last one, supplements, Conrad says he wants people to know that they aren’t magic.

He had to diet and exercise and put in the hard work every single day. He simply used things like Sculpt Nation BURN, BURN PM, HGH BOOST, and TEST BOOST to help make the process a little faster and easier.

“They kept things going. They give me and  my body what I need to be able to get through those workouts and then recover,” says Conrad.

Once he started lifting with weights, Conrad also added PROTEIN, CREATINE, PRE, POST WORKOUT and BCAAS to his supplement stack. 

Energy and better recovery were the first effects Conrad noticed, but he says they taste so good, they also helped with his occasional candy cravings!

“It helped with my sweet tooth! I’ve been able to stay away from candy for over a year.” says Conrad. 

We bet many of you are reading Conrad’s story right now and are nodding your head….

But … you are hesitant to get started. 

Conrad can relate to those feelings of hesitance, too, and says he wants to remind anyone on the fence that there will never be a perfect time to get started.

If you know you need to make a change, then pick the only time you are guaranteed .. which is right now!!

“I was scared. I was intimidated. I didn’t know what to do. But with V Shred, I was guided every single step of the way. Please don’t wait! Take charge of your life, and amazing things will happen. Anyone can succeed with this program as long as they have the willpower and determination to want to do it.”

As for Conrad’s next goal? He is going to keep doing Ripped in 90 Days and would love to reach 220 pounds. But his next goal is a NON scale victory.

Conrad is hoping that his confidence will continue to grow so he can do something he’s always wanted to do by this summer. 

“I’ve never been able to take my shirt off in public.  I’ve always  worn two shirts. So I’m hoping after a couple of rounds of Ripped In 90 that I will be ready to take my shirt off in public. I might not look as good as what Vince  does on camera, but, yeah,” laughs Conrad.


It’s free and easy to start exactly where he did .. with our FREE BODY TYPE QUIZ!!

Just follow the link, answer 6 easy questions, and you will get your body type results and some suggestions instantly! 

And if you are interested in any of the supplements Conrad incorporated into his new healthy lifestyle – you can find them all by CLICKING HERE

We are excited for YOU to be our next V Shred transformation story!!

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