Take our FREE 1 Minute Quiz to find out EXACTLY what Diet & Training is Best for You.


Take our FREE 1 Minute Quiz to find out EXACTLY what Diet & Training is Best for You.

Yeah we know .. if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

Let’s go ahead and knock out the BAD NEWS first…

  • You won’t get lean legs if you ONLY do this short workout.
  • Your legs will not suddenly get longer. It is medically impossible to alter the length of your limbs. 

Now onto the GOOD NEWS…

  • You can demolish your legs in only 5 minutes if you have the RIGHT training techniques! 
  • You can achieve the appearance of longer legs if you tone them. You can do this by incorporating the right kind of strength training and cardio moves designed to build lean muscle and get rid of unwanted body fat. 

The workout we are showing you today incorporates strength moves, bursts of cardio, and explosive training. All things that CAN not only burn fat and build lean muscle but help your muscles increase in length!

Give this high-rep plyometric workout a try at the end of your leg day, accessory day, or even by itself if you ever find yourself in a time pinch! 

Alright, let’s jump, squat, and lunge until your legs are on fire! 

30 seconds – Body Weight Squats
30 seconds – Wide Jump Squats

30 seconds – Forward Lunges (15 sec each leg)
30 seconds – Lunge Jumps

30 seconds – Wall Sit (weighted or not weighted)
30 seconds – Starfish Jumps

30 seconds – Curtsey lunges (15 seconds each side)
30 seconds – skaters 

30 seconds – Glute Bridge
30 seconds – Burpee to tuck jump

Go through each movement with NO REST until you are finished!

The faster you go and the more power you have when you jump, the more muscles you will use, and the more calories you will burn! Just make sure you are using PROPER FORM at all times!

I’m sure after only reading this (or watching the video), you have realized this workout is a lot harder than it sounds!!

It may be tempting to reach for a cup of coffee to give you the energy you need to power through, but when it comes to training, that little jolt of java is not enough! 

Sculpt Nation has the perfect solution! It is a product called PRE

One scoop is designed to give you endless natural energy, increased endurance, insane pumps, killer focus, and speed up your metabolism!  The best part, we have created this product with ingredients that will give you all that stamina, without the jitters or a sudden post-training crash!  


If stubborn fat covering your thighs is of extra concern, instead of lowering your calories or increasing your time on the treadmill (which could potentially lead to muscle loss), it may be time to incorporate a quality THERMOGENIC!

Sculpt Nation has something you may want to check out. It’s called BURN. We use only the best all-natural ingredients that will give your metabolism a jolt, resulting in more calorie-burn and more significant fat loss. 

Alright, no more reading.  Get up and get to work! After you are done, head over to our Facebook or Instagram, and let us know what you think!