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High Intensity Interval Training If only we could enter the gym and have the most effective, efficient workout every time.

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button (4) Say hello to HIIT workout. This workout will allow the body to use both your aerobic and anaerobic energy systems, maximizing your caloric “burn”. This way of training is proven to lower body fat and sustain lean mass all at the same time! Let’s break it down:

High Intensity-

The intensity of your workout has to do with your maximal heart rate or the effort/ work your heart exerts through exercise. In order for your heart to work, it needs oxygen. Your oxygen consumption is the uptake of oxygen your body individually needs exert itself. Everyone has different oxygen consumption. We can find this by finding your vo2 max, or maximal oxygen consumption. There are simple ways to figure out your vo2max such as a Rockport walking test. The equation is below.
Note: gender = 0 for females and 1 for males.

  • 853 – (0.0769 × Weight) – (0.3877 × Age) + (6.315 × Gender) – (3.2649 × Time) – (0.1565 × Heart rate)
  • After you walk a mile at a fast pace, check your heart rate for one minute and write it down, along with how long the mile took you to walk. Enter all data into the equation and out will pop a number such as 70.45 ml/kl/min
  • Take the number and figure your percentages for each exercise:
  • The intensity should be between 80-95% of your vo2max

Note: figuring out your vo2max using a formula such as the Rockport mile walk test can be time consuming. Though a formula will be the most accurate, there are vo2max calculators you can download or search for online what will give you a general number, and are definitely easier on time!


The interval in this case is the high intensity effort during the work period. In HIIT, your max intensity should be 80-95% of your vo2max. During this phase, your should feel a huge increase in heart rate and lots and lots of sweat. After each interval come a rest period of anywhere from 40-50 percent of your vo2max. This phase will allow you to recover some, while keeping the heart rate at a steady pace. The rep range may vary depending on your exercise selection. Use this example as a structure for your own HIIT workout:

Phase 1: high intensity work period

Sprints on treadmill at 90% of vo2max for 30 seconds

Phase 2: medium intensity work period

Walk at 40% of your heart rate max for 30 seconds Some might ask “Does HIIT training only include cardio based exercise”? The answer is HECK NO! The same modalities used in a cardio workout can be used in weight training. Take that 80-95 percent of you vo2max and switch it to 80-95 percent of your one rep max during your high intensity work period. During your rest period, in this case, take 0-50 percent of your one rep max. Using no weight and only body weight is a good example of 0%. For example: If your one rep max for a squat is 200lbs then 90 percent of that equals 180lbs. When incorporating heavy weight or weight alone during your high intensity work period, work towards the amount of squats you can get in a short amount of time, 30 seconds. Another great strategy is the 100’s strategy, also known as German volume training. Your 100’s workout is the same set and rep range: 10 sets of 10 reps. Now, your job is to figure out what percentage between 80-95 percent of your 1rm is attainable for you. For the rest period, choose an exercise within the same muscle group. For example; body weight jump squats With no weight or 0% of your 1rep max for 10 reps. The set and rep range for each phases with be the same, 10×10.

Benefits from HIIT workouts:

HIIT training has many beneficial factors. Most favored has to be EPOC or excess post-exercise oxygen consumption. This is known as the after burn following your workout. EPOC is simply the rate of oxygen increased after an intense workout. This falls right into your aerobic energy system, or with oxygen, to adapt the body during the rest period. The anaerobic energy system, or without oxygen, comes into play during the high intensity phase. A great amount of ATP, or adenosine triphosphate, is needed at this point to replenish the muscle.

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Increasing muscular endurance:

Your muscular endurance is how efficient the body can sustain activity for long periods of time. This has to do with how developed your slow twitch muscle fibers are. These muscle fibers sustain the effort put out over a period of time. This makes up simple muscle endurance We also have fast twitch muscle fibers. Your fast twitch muscle fibers sustain force over short periods of time. This makes up muscular strength. Both fast twitch and slow twitch work together to create muscle efficiency. For example; your fast twitch muscle fibers may be used in your high intensity phase and slow twitch in your rest phase.

Increasing Cardio vascular endurance

During and after your HIIT workout, the cardiovascular system becomes more developed. Your heart, lungs and blood vessels deliver oxygen to the tissues of the body to regulate the heart rate. The more efficient or developed your cardiovascular endurance, the more efficient your body will deliver oxygen, regulating your breathing. Knowing HIIT workouts increase all things aerobic, you can see the benefits our cardiovascular system with receive. Start working this awesome alternative workout into your weekly routine and thou shall receive great results.

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